
A Body

A bird in your mouth
Breathing songs
Light spread out of your eyes,
In complete nakedness
You have to live in the horizon, one time
So that you can wake up there,
You have to open one window after another
To let some air into the fenced space
I leave the alphabets stuck with me
While I ascend up the thin string of language
Standing between me and the world
I face my crowd in my own tongue
I am suspended between language and the world
Between the world and the alphabets
I leave my head
And listen to the myth
I listen to the eulogy of all sides to each other
And I shout at the winds from the top of a mountain.
What my tongue says to me, ascend the distance
What is the distance between my voice and my longing
What is there?!
A body escaping away from mine,
A body exiled by desire,
A body under the winds.