
The Lost Child

In the midday heat
the speck of a boat emerges on the lake
mother is anxious, to the beach she runs
to welcome the long-awaited child
The dot of a boat becomes real
looking at it the tears flow
the child has arrived from its wanderings
as soon as it steps off mother embraces it
Father sits in the centre of the house
as if he hadn't bothered waiting
the child feels dejected at mother's side
- men properly restrain their feelings -
The child sits down, is told to talk
a chicken is slaughtered, rice is cooking
The whole village keeps asking
are you married, any children?
The lost child is now back
Not a single person it knows anymore
How many harvests have there been
Whatever has happened?
The whole village keeps asking
Any children, how many?
The lost child just keeps silent
It rather would want to ask the questions
After the meal at dusk
mother approaches him, wants to be talked to
the child looks, the mother asks
wanting to know if it is cold in Europe
The child keeps silent remembering things forgotten
the cold of Europe, the seasons of its cities
mother is quiet, has stopped talking
without resentment, only with joy
Night has come, mother has fallen asleep
father has been snoring long since
on the beach the waves swish
knowing, the child has not returned