The Poetry Translation Centre maintains a mailing list that contains the personal data of our supporters. Under the new GDPR regulations you have the right to know how we are handling your data and be made aware of your rights.

We will seek your consent. Everyone on our mailing list to has to give their explicit consent to let us contact them and hold their data. In accordance with the law we will periodically contact you to renew your consent.

The PTC will not share your personal data with anyone else. We may share anonymised, statistical data about our audience with funders and other arts organisations but we will never reveal anyone’s personal information.

We keep your data safe. In handling our supporters’ personal data we take care to keep it secure. Wherever we hold personal data we have two factor identification to prevent hacks and data leaks. We train all our staff to handle data sensitively.

Where is my data? Once you have given you consent for the PTC to process you data your personal information will be held securely on our Mailchip account and on our secure shared drive. The third party websites were we keep data are G-Drive, Mailchimp, Indiegogo, Eventbrite and PayPal. Each of these sites has their own data security plans and privacy policies that you find out about by following the links above. Also, if you have left a comment on our website your name and email address will be kept on our secure website server.

We won’t keep your details unless you want us to. If you have applied for a job at the PTC, signed up for one of our events on Eventbrite or brought a book from us using PayPal we will have access to your contact details. However we won’t automatically add you to our mailing list and we regularly delete old emails.

Handling your financial data. If you have brought anything from the PTC your financial details will be processed by PayPal. Neither the PTC or PayPal retain any financial information and every transaction is protected by PayPal’s advanced encryption.

It’s your data and you have rights. You have the right to know about the information organisations hold about you. Whenever you want you can ask to see all the information we hold about you. You can ask for this information to be edited or deleted. You can also ask us to send you a copy of your information. In all cases we will be happy to help.

Get in touch. If you have a question about your data, or want to be removed from our mailing list simply contact us via Our Marketing and Communications Manager, Ecre Karadag, will get back to you quickly.