Born in 1968, Maia Sarishvili studied pedagogy and currently teaches at a primary school. A mother of four children, she surprises audiences with her new sound in Georgian poetry, displaying a realistic and concrete touch that she refashions in her spiritual search for the nature and power of woman. Sarishvili has published poetry collections and radio plays for children. Her radio play Three Buckets of Snow won a prize for the best radio play in 1997 at a Georgian-German radio play competition. Her work has appeared in Crazy Horse, Versal, Quiddity, Nashville Review, Asheville Review, Plume, Guernica and other publications.

She has taken part in numerous international festivals, including Poetry International (Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2007), SOTZIA (Tallinn, Estonia, 2008), Poetry Parnassus (London, UK, 2011) and was invited to Portugal, to a translators’ seminar, where her poems were translated into Portuguese (Casa de Mateus, 2007). Maia Sarishvili won Literary Award SABA 2008 in the category The Best Poetry Collection for Microscope.
