Natalia Bukia-Peters is a freelance translator, interpreter and teacher of Georgian and Russian. She studied at Tbilisi State, Ilia Chavchavadze University and holds a Masters degree from Leiden University, the Netherlands. She has been a translator for the Poetry Translation Centre and a member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists in London for several years.

Natalia translates a variety of literature, poetry and magazine articles. Her translation collaborations with the writer Victoria Field include short fiction (Sex for Fridge by Zurab Lezhava and It’s Me by Ekaterina Togonidze in Dalkey Archive’s Best European Fiction Anthologies, 2011 and 2014 respectively), two collection of poetry by Dato Magradze (Giacomo Ponti, 2012, and Footprints on Water, 2015, both with Fal), a book-length collection of short stories, Me, Margarita by Ana Kordzaia-Samadashvili (Dalkey Archive, 2015) and an anthology, A House with no Doors – Ten Georgian Women Poets (Francis Boutle, 2016). In her collaboration with the writer Charlotte Hobson, she translated Aleko Shugladze’s novel All That We Hide (Francis Boutle, 2016). Her most recent books are Diana Anphimiadi’s Beginning to Speak in collaboration with the poet Jean Sprackland and Salome Benidze’s I Wanted To Ask You in collaboration with the poet Helen Mort (Poetry Translations Centre 2018).

Translated Poems