जीने की आदत Living life out of habit

जीने की आदत

जीने की आदत पड़ गयी है
जीवन को जीने की ऐसी आदत में
बरसात के दिन हैं यदि
तो जीने की आदत में
बरसात हो रही होती है
छाता भूल गया तो
जीवन जीने की आदत में
छाता भूल जाता हूँ
और भींग जाता हूँ
जब बिजली कौंध जाती है
तब बिजली कौंध जाती है
आदतन जीना, उठना, बैठना, काम करना
थोड़े थोड़े भविष्य से ढेर सारे अतीत इकट्ठा करना
बचा हुवा तब भी ढेर सारा भविष्य होता है
ऐसे में ईश्वर है कि नहीं की शंका में कहता हूँ मुझे अच्छा मनुष्य बना दो
और सबको सुखी कर दो
तदानुसार अपनी कोशिश में पता नहीं कहाँ से आदत से अधिक दुः ख की बाढ़ आती है
जैसे पड़ोस में ही दुःख का बांध टूटा हो
और सुख का जो एक तिनका नहीं डूबता
दुःख से भरे चेहरे के भाव में
मुस्कुराहट सा तैर जाता है
न मुझे डूबने देता है, न पड़ोस को
और जब बिजली कौंध जाती है
तब बिजली कौंध जाती है
अंधेरे में बिजली कौंध जाने के उजाले में
सम्हलकर एक कदम आगे रख देता हूँ
जीवन जीने की ऐसी आदत में
जब मैं मर जाऊँगा
तो कोई कहेगा शायद मैं मरा नहीं
तब भी मैं मरा रहूँगा
बरसात हो रही होगी
तो जीवन जीने की आदत में
बरसात हो रही होगी
और मैं मरने के बाद
जीवन जीने की आदत में
अपना छाता भूल जाऊँगा

Living life out of habit

I have fallen into the habit of living
And in this habit of living life
If it is the rainy season
Then in the habit of living
It will rain
If I forget my umbrella
Then in the habit of living life
I keep forgetting my umbrella
And getting wet
When lightning flashes
Then lightning flashes
This habit of living, rising, sitting, working
Collecting the vast past from little bits of the future
And yet the future is still so vast
Then, doubting if there is a God, I say
Make me a good human being
And make everyone happy
Thereupon, from absolutely nowhere
Appears a flood of sorrow, breaking habit
As if a dam of sorrow burst right here in the neighbourhood
And that one straw of happiness that doesn’t drown
Surfaces as a smile
On a face full of sorrow
It does not let me drown, nor the neighbourhood
And when lightning flashes
Then lightning flashes
In the darkness, lit by lightning flashes
Steadying myself, I take one step forward
And in this habit of living life
When I die
Then someone will say maybe I am not dead
But I will still be dead
It will be raining
So in this habit of living life
It will be raining
And after dying,
In the habit of living life,
I will forget my umbrella.

It was a pleasure to work with the Poetry Translation Workshop and Mohini Gupta to help translate Vinod Kumar Shukla’s playful, plain-speaking poem of life’s habits and meanings. Before we began, Mohini introduced Vinod Kumar Shukla as one of the most respected Hindi poets writing today, widely praised for the wisdom, humanity and magic of his verse which is written in a seemingly simple, colloquial language.

Working with Mohini’s guide translation and her patient advice, we strove to recreate the original music of the poem which is created by repetition and refrains – for example “the habit of living life” a phrase which runs through the poem like a thread. Mohini advised us that Vinod Kumar Shukla uses very plain, unadorned language in the poem and so we were careful to keep this in our translation, seeking simple and short words where possible. One pleasing example of this is the change from abundant to vast in the second stanza, a short word which also lifts the image beautifully.

There was a knotty section in the middle (from “Thereupon” to “sorrow”) where the poet moves the poem in a delightfully surreal direction. We spent a long time discussing and unpicking this longer, more complex sentence and the image of the straw which appears as a smile. Sometimes a word is suggested which suddenly illuminates the way. Here it was the word “surfaces” which perfectly captures the vision of hope and happiness rising from the flood of sorrow.

Liz Berry, Workshop Facilitator

Living life out of habit

I have started living out of habit  
In this habit of living life
If it is a rainy day  
Then out of habit
It will rain
If I have forgotten to carry my umbrella
Then out of habit
I forget to carry my umbrella
And get drenched
When lightning strikes
Then lightning strikes
Living, sitting, standing, working out of  habit
Gathering a whole lot of the past from a  little bit of the future
And yet the future remains abundant  
In such a state, making up my mind about  whether God exists, I say
Make me a good human being
And make everyone happy
As a result of my efforts, from absolutely nowhere,
Appears a flood of sorrow, more than I know out of habit  
As if a dam of sorrow burst in my  
And that one straw of happiness that does  not drown,
Floats in the sorrowful face
In the form of a smile  
It does not let me drown, nor the neighbourhood
And when lightning strikes
Then lightning strikes
In the darkness, in the glow of the lightning
I tread carefully forward
While living life like this out of habit
When I die
Then maybe someone will say I am still alive
But I will still be dead  
And it will be raining
And so in this habit of living life
It will be raining
And after dying, I will
Out of habit
Forget to carry my umbrella.

Original Poem by

Vinod Kumar Shukla

Translated by

Mohini Gupta with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language
