'hoje de manhã' ‘this morning’

'hoje de manhã'

hoje de manhã
saí pra comprar pão 
qualquer coincidência
é uma mera coincidência 
mas não existe coincidência 
todxs nós sabemos
pode existir conspiração
armação muita falação
climão ou até a grávida 
de taubaté grávida 
do ET de varginha
mozão plissss #elenão neh
só que coincidência 
daquelas que deixam
a gente assim 
de cara
de cabelo em pé
eu duvido muito
nesse caso 
como a Buceta! é vermelha
quer dizer 
como a Buceta! tá escrita
em letras bem vermelhas
quer dizer que 
ela é uma buceta comunista?
ou uma buceta gayzista?
é uma buceta trabalhadora?
do partido dos trabalhadores?
ou é daquela seita demoníaca?
o MTST? ou MST?
ela é uma buceta cubana?
ou venezuelana?
é uma buceta americana?
ou é uma buceta marciana?
é mesmo uma buceta?
uma buceta de verdade?
ou é daquelas que a gente
só vê na tv?
tem pra vender na 25?
posso pagar no cartão?
porque ela é vermelha
quer dizer que
ela tá menstruada?
ou é uma buceta coaptada?
é uma buceta do bradesco?
ou do santander?  
ainda é uma buceta pública?
ou já foi privatizada?
é uma buceta comprometida?
ou é uma buceta vendida?
ela já se deu por vencida?
ou é super engajada?
ela tá na luta armada?
ou nas forças armadas? 
ela é do tipo neo-liberal total?
ou é uma buceta pudica?
é uma buceta fascista?
ou é daquelas fashionista?
ela faz o tipo libera geral?
ou ela faz jogo duro?
do tipo prova de atletismo
salto com vara obstáculos
barricada e o caralho a quatro?
o que é mesmo uma buceta?
pra que que serve então?
você pode me explicar melhor?
tá com medo de quê?
é pra vê ou pra comê?

‘this morning’

this morning
went out to buy bread
any coincidence
is pure coincidence
but there is no coincidence
we all know
there might be a conspiracy
framing twittering
teetering or even the pregnant
woman of taubaté pregnant
by varginha’s spacemxn
bae pls #elenão innit
yet a real
one of those that leaves
us like this
blown away
hair standing on end
I really doubt it
in this case
because the Cunt! is red
I mean
because the Cunt! is written
in such red letters
does it mean that
she is a communist cunt?
or a gayzista cunt?
is she a worker cunt?
from the workers party?
or is she from that demonic cult?
the MTST? or the MST?
is she a cuban cunt?
or venezuelan?
is she an american cunt?
or a martian cunt?
is she really a cunt?
a bona fide cunt?
or is she one of those
we only see on tv?
is she for sale along the 25?
can I pay by card?
because she is red
does that mean
she is on her period
or is she a coapted cunt?
is she a bradesco cunt?
or a santander?
is she still a public cunt?
or has she too been privatised?
is she a committed cunt?
or is she a cunt for sale?
has she given up yet?
or is she married to the cause?
is she in the armed struggle?
or in the armed forces?
is she the total neo-liberal type?
or is she a prudish cunt?
is she a fascist cunt?
or is she one of those fashionistas?
is she the free-living type?
or does she play hard to get?
like the track and field type
pole-vaulting hurdles
barricade and fuck knows what else?
what is a cunt anyway?
what is she even for?
can you explain it better?
what are you afraid of?
is she for looking at or eating?

'this morning'

this morning
went out to buy some bread
any coincidence
is a mere coincidence
but there is no coincidence
wx all now
there might be a conspiracy
framing much ranting
tension or even the pregnant
woman of taubaté pregnant
of the ET from varginha
luvv plisss #elenão nope
just that coincidence
those that leave
people like this
their faces
their hair standing
i doubt it
in this case
because the Cunt! is red
i mean
because Cunt! is written
in really red letters
does it mean that
it is a communist cunt?
or a gayest cunt?
or a worker cunt?
from the workers party?
or is she from that demonic cult?
the MTST? or the MST?
is she a cuban cunt?
or a venezuelan one?
is she an American cunt?
or a martian one?
is she really a cunt?
a real cunt?
or is she one of those we
only see on tv?
is it for sale on the 25?
can i pay with card?
because she is red
does it mean that
she is menstruated?
or is it a coapted one?
is it a bradesco cunt?
or a santander?
is she still a public cunt?
or has she been privatised?
is she a compromised cunt?
or is she a sold cunt?
has she given up?
or is she super engaged?
is she in the armed fight?
or in the armed forces?
is she the total neo-liberal type?
or is she a prude cunt?
is she a fascist cunt?
or is she a fashionista?
is she a free for all?
or does she play rough?
like the athleticism type
pole-vaulting obstacles
barricaded and fuck knows what else?
what really is a cunt?
what is it for?
can you explain it to me?
what are you afraid of?
is it to look at or to eat?

This poem is the third section of a long, untitled poem. Each of the sections begins with “this morning / went out to buy bread” giving the sense of the same scene is being seen anew three times. By this third section, we have already discovered that the speaker is wearing a t-shirt with the word “Buceta!” (“Cunt!”) written on it in red letters.

In this workshop Francisco Vilhena, our guest translator, was joined by Adelaide Ivánova (whose collection the hammer and other poems he recently translated with Rachel Long). Adelaide is a close friend of the poet, Érica Zingano, and offered us her hints and intuitions about the likely political implications of the poem. The current social tensions in Brazil, with the rise and election of Bolsonaro, seem to underpin the poem. Many of the lines are formulated in the accusatory gestures of political hysteria, from the right or the left (“she is a communist cunt? / or a gayzista cunt? […] is she a fascist cunt? / or is she one of those fashionistas?”)

In translating the poem, we decided to emphasise the feminist argument of the poem by deciding throughout on “she” rather than “it” when referring to the cunt. This made the force of the misogyny in the poem feel more direct and underlined how easy it is for political grievance from any perspective to be framed in a sexist construction. We also wanted to keep the cultural references in place. So we left the “#elenão” as it was (this is a hashtag meaning ‘anyone but him [Bolsonaro]’) as well as the pregnant woman from Taubaté (a woman who posed as pregnant for eleven months in order to benefit from people’s donations) and “varginha’s spacemxn” (which Francisco explained as Brazil’s Roswell). The decision to choose “spacemxn”, instead of “spaceman” or “alien”, was an example of transplanting the discoveries from one part of the translation to another. In an earlier line, Zingano makes a point of using the de-gendered pronoun “nós” but in English translating this as “wx” rather than “we” felt forced. Instead, we decided to introduce the idea into the inseminating “spacemxn”.

Edward Doegar, Commissioning Editor

Original Poem by

Érica Zíngano

Translated by

Francisco Vilhena with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


