Kala Uur Separate Beings

Kala Uur

Naftan uubataynaysa
Ee kugu ag meeraysa
Qalbi baa af duubaaya
Addimadaa ku soo doonta,
Indhahaa ku eeg eega
Aragaaga xiiseeya
Wadnahaa abuuraaya
Caashaqa iniintiisa
unugyada ku beeraaya,
Inkastood irdhaynayso
Ama aad ilaaqayso
Ikhtiyaar naftii laashay
Kaa ooli kari weyday.
Anna ulasho deyn maayo
Adna digasho waa kuu ul,
Aniguna ilbixi maayo
Adiguna arxami maysid,
Anna aamusnaan maayo
Adna erey-san kaa waayey,
Anna ubaxyo kuu keenay
Adna odaxda ii dhiibtay.
Ma adoo qudhaa uuman
Ma adoo qudhaa aawan
Dadka kale ka maan awran?
Amran oo karaamaysan?
Aynigaa ka muuq fiican?
Mise waa ishaartayda
Ahlantiyo Salaantayda
Weedhaha Ammaantayda
Iyo eemamayntayda
Waxan ururka kuu qaaday
Kaa dhigay ilays kaahay.
Haddii aanan kuu eexan
Asaagaa ka soo leexan
Ama aanan kuu iilan
Arwaaxdayda kugu deeqin
Ama aanan kuu oommin
Ama aanan kuu ooyin
Ama Uurka kuu saafin
Ama erey-san kuu soocin
Ixtiraam ku siinaynin
Waad ii ilmayn layde
Aadmigu wuxuu haysto
Ma arkoo ma aabeeyo
Mana oga ma weyneeyo

Separate Beings

This spirit which is howling,
hovering around you,
is ensnared by the heart.
These limbs seek you,
these eyes search for you,
yearn for sight of you.
The heart is sowing
seeds of passion,
planting them in each cell.
Though you are making it wary
or finding fault,
this spirit has cast off choice,
couldn’t live without you.
I am not putting hope aside,
your gloating is a raised stick,
I’m not learning my lesson,
you show no mercy,
I cannot be silent,
you’ve withheld kind words,
I brought you flowers,
you handed me the thorns.
Are you God’s only creation?
Are you alone good?
Are you the most profound?
Most charismatic and respected
with beauty beyond your peers?
Or is it my gestures,
my welcome, my greeting,
the lines of my praise
and my longing?
All I took to the urur constellation
and made out of you beamed light.
I haven’t done you an injustice,
haven’t turned away from your equals,
haven’t turned my back on you.
If I hadn’t offered you my soul,
hadn’t thirsted for you,
hadn’t shed tears for you,
hadn’t poured my heart out for you,
hadn’t composed these kind words for you,
hadn’t shown you respect
you would have wept for me.
What humanity possesses
it neither sees nor values,
neither knows nor elevates

[Of] separate minds / hearts’

This self / soul / life which is crying out / shouting out
And which is circling around you
A heart is abducting it
The limbs look for you / want you
The eyes search / look around for you
Which long for sight of you
The heart is cultivating
The seeds of passionate love
Is sowing them in the cells [of the body]
Although you are making it wary
Or are finding fault with it
The soul / self which has thrown off choice
Could not live without you
I am not leaving hoping aside
And to you gloating is a stick
I am not learning from experience
And you are not being compassionate
I am not being silent
And from you good words have been lacking
I brought you flowers
And you passed me the thorns
Are you the only person created?
Are you the only good [person]?
Are you more intelligent than the other people?
[More] charismatic and respected?
Better in appearance than your peers?
Or is it my signalling [i.e. what I say about you]
My welcome and greeting
The words /sentences of my praise
And my longing
What I brought to the urur constellation for you
And made out of you light that beams
If I haven’t done you an injustice
Haven’t turned away from your generation
Or haven’t left your side / turned aside from what is right in the heart
Had not offered my soul in generosity
Or hadn’t thirsted for you
Or hadn’t cried for you
Or hadn’t poured out my heart for you [literally: purified the inside of the torso]
Or hadn’t separated good words for you
Hadn’t given you respect
You would have wept for me
What humanity has / owns
It doesn’t see, it doesn’t respect
And is not aware of and doesn’t value it

Translator’s note:

Weedhsame is a young Somali poet known for his technical mastery, able to write everything from serious traditional forms to popular lyrics. Translator Martin Orwin began by telling us that this poem, written in the work-song metre Haanta (associated with churning the Haan, or milk vessel), is somewhere in-between – a romantic piece that also has unexpected depths and original imagery. The first three lines took us a disproportionate amount of time as we debated how to translate ‘Naftan’ – which links to breath and is here distinct from the heart. Was it the speaker’s ‘life’? Their ‘self’? Finally, a workshop member suggested ‘spirit’ – of the mind but also airy and without the religious baggage of ‘soul’. The verbs ‘howling’ hovering’ and ‘ensnared’ were all also hard won, but together create a picture of a broken creature caught in the heart’s trap.

‘Your gloating is a raised stick’ was also an image that needed a lot of unpacking. Originally it was just a stick. But we heard how Somali men often carry a stick in the street and might raise it to deter thieves. Without adding ‘raised’ we felt the implied threat dissipated. We were also interested in the shift of power between the genders as the woman raises this stick.

It was interesting to hear how Weedhsame’s interest in science informed some of the beautiful imagery here – the idea of passion taking hold in every ‘cell’ of the body; the urur constellation, in which he seems to immortalise his love, turning her to starlight like an ancient God. We all also agreed on the power of those final last lines, which lift the poem from being a simple love lyric towards a more profound, universal truth. Those in power do not see or value those they command. Humanity must turn its gaze from the unobtainable, and care for what we have.

Clare Pollard, Poet Facilitator