Tenha Deserted


Okumadığım gazetelerin sayfalarından aktı gün
tıka basa söz, fazla resim
Söyleyeceğimi unutunca söylediğim de
siliniyor hafızadan
Günlerin adı olması ne komik
hepsi bir sonsuzlukta asılı kaldıkça
Ne sandın ya
Her dil bir veda aslında
Her dil çoklu çaresizlik
Masumiyet büyük kaçıyor ağzına
küçük bedenleri tüketen Çin
mallarını aldığında
Kâinat düşlemiştin sahi
Hayat Made in China
Sınav çözen sınıf sessizliğindeyim
Bir şey vardı unuttum
ya da çekindim paylaşmaya
Karanlık bir sarnıç var kalbimde
Dışım nasıl kalabalık
içim nasıl tenha

Notes on TENHA:

Ne sandin ya: the verb sanmak means think, imagine, suppose… and the ya at the end is an interjection and could mean oh, well, eh… It makes the “what did you think” more personal and direct (please note that ya can also sometimes mean “or” as you’ll see later)

This verse can have two meanings, as I have translated above, I am giving you word to word translation:

Masumiyet (innocence) büyük kaçıyor ağzına (is too big for your mouth)
küçük (small/tiny) bedenleri (bodies) tüketen (consuming) Çin (China, the country, but can also be Chinese when followed by a noun like in the next line)
mallarını (the goods of China (if used with Çin) | their goods (if Çin refers to the country) aldığında (when you buy)


The day flows past the newspaper spreads I leave unread
crammed with words, a surfeit of images
Whenever I forget what I was about to say, even what I do speak
is wiped from memory
Isn’t it funny how some days are given titles
all hanging there in eternity
What did you expect
Every language is really a goodbye
Every language is a manifold despair
Innocence is too big for your mouth
China consumes small bodies
every time you buy its goods
Yes, you dreamed of a universe
Life is Made in China
I’m silent as a classroom mid-exam
There was something I forgot
or was too shy to share
In my heart there is a dark and vaulted well
How crowded I am on the outside
how deserted within


The day flew by the pages of the newspapers I don’t read
crammed with words, too many images
When I forget what I am going to say what I say also
gets erased from memory
How funny that days have names
as they all hang on an eternity
What did you think
Every language is goodbye really
Every language is a multiple desperation
Innocence is too big for your mouth
China consumes small bodies | when you buy Chinese goods
when you buy their goods | consuming small bodies
True you had dreamed of a universe
Life is Made in China
I’m as silent as a classroom during an exam
There was something I forgot
or I was too shy to share
There is a dark cistern in my heart
How crowded I am outside
how deserted inside​

Original Poem by

Karin Karakaslı

Translated by

Canan Marasligil with Sarah Howe Language


