Laleş Lalesh


Bu güneştir
Bu da ev.
Meleğin koruduğu yuva
Bekler hep.
Diyor ki bana
Eşiklerden geçerek
Gör siyah olanı
İnsanlığı kurtaranı gör.
Hani o yükseklikten
Dağların insanı koruyan vakarından
Söz eden.
Başlıyorum düğümlerden
Kumaşların dileklerle mühürlendiği 
Karanlıktan başlıyorum.
Ve batıyor güneşimiz bizim 
Herkesten önce.
Çocukların vaftizi 
Badem ağaçlarına
Asılmış dilek.
Bahar geldi
Ve gidişin senin 
Bitmedi hiç.
Bana diyor ki 
Gözyaşlarının soğukluğunu 
Kapıda bırak.
O bizim borcumuzdur.
Unutma diyor 
Evin bu dağların yanı.
Seni inananların sabahında 
En önde ağırlayacağız
Kızıl kadifeler içinde
Badem ağaçlarına ve taşlara sunarak
Ve bilerek hangi acı karartmamış yürekleri.
Ben gizli bir inanandım
Ve gizli kaldım.
Sırrım çözüldü ve 
O dağın kovuğunda
Bulduğum acıdan saadet
Ve benzerliğim onlara,
Evet yuvayadır dönüş
Ve yuva 
Dağların arasında unutulmuş 
Badem ağaçları 
Ve düğümlerdir.
Laleş 1 Mart 2014


This is the sun.
And I am home. The nest 
the peacock angel protects
waiting faithfully.
The man tells me –
Look, see the Black One
who hovers on the thresholds.
See the One who can save humanity . . .
He tells how human dignity 
was preserved by the height 
of these mountains.
He says Our sun is the first to set.
The baptism of children is a wish 
hung on almond trees.
I start on the knots.
I begin in the dark, untying 
wishes sealed into velvet.
Spring has come –
and your departure is 
He tells me –
Leave your cold tears at the door.
This is our burden.
Don’t forget
You belong here by the mountains.
In the morning we will welcome you . . .
Making off erings to
almond trees and stones,
in scarlet velvet,
hearts undimmed by pain,
they recognised me –
a secret believer. 
I found calm sorrow in the mountain’s den.
And yes – I will come home,
to the almond trees and those knots
forgotten in the mountains. 
1 March 2014, Lalesh


This is the sun
And this is home.
The nest protected by the peacock angel
Waited in faith.
He tells me
Across the edges,
See the Black One.
See the One saving the humanity.
Uttering the height of the mountains
That saved their dignity.
I begin with the knots,
I begin with the darkness
Sealed by wishes to the velvets.
And our sun sets in
Before every one else’s.
The baptism of children
Is a wish
Hung on almond trees.
Spring has come
Your departure never ends.
He tells me
Leave your cold tears
By the door.
This is our burden.
Don’t forget he says
Your home is by the mountains.
In the dawn of the believers,
At the foremost, we will welcome you
In scarlet velvets
By making offerings to the almond trees and the stones
Knowing which sorrow the heart was not darkened by.
My secret was unfolded and
The sweet sorrow I found
in the den of that mountain
and my affinity to them,
Yes, a return is to a home
And home is the almond trees
And those knots
Forgotten among the mountains.

Original Poem by

Bejan Matur

Translated by

Canan Marasligil with Jen Hadfield Language


