الملك The King


أنا ملكُ الغرفة!.
تاجي غبارُ الص باح والأرضُ قصري
أنا ملكُ الغرفة.
الواھبُ ؛لاتجاریني الكتبُ
المنتصبُ كالمشجب المؤبدُ ؛ كرطوبة الجدار.
النوافذُ أیامي
والكرسيُّ حصانيَ الأعرج
ملكُ الملوك أنا!
لاشيء الا الطاولة
إلا الدفاترُ فوقھا
إلا الأصابع تُندس في تلك النعومة
لاشيء إلا ما یكونُ معي!
ملكٌ من الأبواب وِالملابس المدعوكة
والصورُ المرشوقة عِلى الحائطِ
ملكٌ من الكلمات المحوّمة في الفضاء كالذباب
ملكٌ من البردِ
و الوحشة اِلجارحة
ملكٌ من السعالِ
والأسنانِ المھترئة
ملكٌ في الوقت اِلضائع
ویسقط أُحیان اً
ملكٌ شاحبٌ
ملكٌ قلیلٌ

The King

I am king of the room
My crown is the dust of morning
and the earth is my palace
I am king of the room
The giver of gifts, books cannot compete with me
Upright as a coat stand,
permanent, like damp in the walls
My days are windows
and my chair a crippled horse
I am the king of kings!
Nothing except the table
and the notebooks that lie on it
Nothing except fingers slipping into softness
Nothing other than what I own
I am a king of doors and wrung-out clothes,
of images flung against walls
A king of words in flight like flies
A king of cold
and wounded loneliness
A king of coughing
and rotting teeth
A king of borrowed time
who sometimes falters
I am a pale king
A small king
A king 

The King

I am the king of the room
My crown is the dust of morning
And the land is my palace 
I am the king of the room
The giver, books do not compete with me
I am standing like a coat stand  
The eternal, like humidity on the wall.
Windows are in front of me
And the chair is my limping horse
The king of kings, I am! 
Nothing except the table
And the notebooks on it
Except the fingers hidden in the softness 
There is nothing except what I possess
I am a king made of doors and wrinkled clothes
And the splattered images on the wall
A king made of flying words as flies 
A king made of the cold
And the injurious loneliness 
I am a king of coughing 
And the decaying teeth
I am a king at the wasteful time
And I fall sometimes
I am a pale king
I am a little king

It was a real pleasure to return to translating the poetry of Fouad Mohammad Fouad. ‘The King’ was the first of two poems we translated.

From the outset, it’s clear that this is a poem suffused with irony – how can someone declare himself a king if his ‘kingdom’ extends to just one room! So there is also despair, but it is leavened with glimpses of playfulness and of course the clear-eyed courage of confronting the painful reality of straitened circumstances.

The first stanza was quite straightforward. We decided to go with ‘dust of the morning’ rather than ‘morning dust’ because, in english, the latter could be heard as ‘mourning dust’ and we’d envisaged the image relating to dust flying around the room when the floor is swept each morning. In the third line we settled on ‘earth’ because it can mean ‘the earth’ and ‘soil’ or ‘dirt’, either or both of which seemed appropriate for this downcast ‘king’.

In the second stanza we discussed at some length how best to translate the final line and settled on ‘I am permanent’ (rather than the more grandiose-sounding ‘eternal’ or ‘unchanging’) and we decided that damp, particularly in hot countries with whitewashed, un-plastered walls, seems to seep out from inside them.

We liked the ambiguity of ‘my days are windows’ in the third stanza and we used ‘crippled’ because it is a permanent injury or disability, whereas ‘limping’ can be temporary.

We went with ‘wrung-out’ clothes because it’s stronger than ‘wrinkled’ and it also can be used as a synonym for exhaustion; there was the added advantage of the internal rhyme with images being ‘flung’ at the wall in the following line. Similarly, we also liked the sound of ‘a king of words in flight like flies’.

Sarah Maguire, Workshop Facilitator

Original Poem by

Fouad Mohammad Fouad

Translated by

Atef Alshaer with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


