კავშირი Union


ხმაში თაფლიანი იელი ჩამიხმა
ხორხში-იავნანის სურო,
მივდივარ და სიტყვებს მაყოლებ-ჩემი ხარ!,
იცი, ვბრუნდებოდი სულ რომ.
გადამფრენი- მეტობის ნიშნები-ჩიტები-
ბანალური ქარგა-
როდესაც მიდიხარ-სამშობლოს იტოვებ,
როდესაც ბრუნდები-კარგავ.
გავდივარ ცარიელი, უშენო სახლიდან...
გასვლისას ოქროს თევზებს ვაქრობ
ჭერზეც და ზღვის ფსკერზეც-
მბჟუტავს დავტოვებდი-
შენ დაბრუნდებოდე აქ რომ...


The heather honey dried up in my voice,
the lullaby ivy in my throat.
I am leaving followed by your words – you are mine!
As you know, I would always return.
I watch migrating birds fly in formation.
That old story – when you leave, your motherland leaves with you,
when you return, it is lost to you. 
The house is empty without you.
I extinguish the golden fish when I depart.
I would leave them flickering – 
on the ceiling and the ocean floor – 
so you would return. 


The heathwort  dried in my voice,
The lullaby ivy in my throat,
I am leaving and you send your words after  me- you are mine!,
You know, that I always return.
I watch,
The migrating birds – the sign of excess-
The banal plot- when you are leaving you keep your motherland,
When you are coming you are losing it.
I am leaving the house empty without you...
When I am leaving I am extinguishing the golden fish,
I would leave them flickering-
On the ceiling and the bottom of the sea-
For you to return here.

Last year we translated two fascinating poems by Diana Amphimiadi and it was a real pleasure to return to her subtle and lyrical poetry again. Her poems describe elusive, powerful feelings in language which is both immediate yet slippery – and this poem, ‘Union’, indicates.

The title, ‘Union’ (‘Connection’ in Natalia Bukia-Peters’ literal version), is of course paradoxical as the poem describes the process of separation, so from the very beginning of the poem, we find ourselves on shifting ground.

Translating the first line prompted a brief digression into botanical nomenclature before we settled on ‘heather honey’ because the Georgian original refers to a plant favoured by honey bees. ‘Lullaby ivy’ we left as it is because we were unsure whether it referenced a real or imaginary plant and, either way, we liked the sound of it.

Unpicking the tenses in the following lines wasn’t straightforward because of the differences between English and Georgian – and because Diana’s poems themselves resist a ‘straightforward’ interpretation. After much discussion we decided to use the conditional tense, which adds to the slippery feeling of the poem. For example, the certainty of Natalia’s ‘You know that I always return’ is a long way from our translation ‘As you know, I would always return’; and, in the final line, there’s a shift from the literal translation of ‘For you to return here’ to the uncertainty of the final version’s ‘So you would return’.

The gulf between English and Georgian also led to a shift in agency in some lines – from ‘I am leaving and you send your words after me’, to ‘I am leaving followed by your words’; and ‘I am leaving the house empty without you’ to ‘the house is empty without you’.

We began translating the poem with a botanical discussion and ended with a brief interlude on fish. It was a relief to discover ‘the golden fish’ in Natalia’s translation weren’t the humble goldfish, and so we stayed with ‘golden’ which sounds far less banal. We also decided to leave ‘I extinguish the golden fish when I depart’ as it is: yes, extinguishing fish sounds bizarre, but this is a poem, after all and we liked its ambiguity, as well as the final image of these fish ‘flickering – / on the ceiling and the ocean floor / so you would return.’

Sarah Maguire, Workshop Facilitator

Original Poem by

Diana Anphimiadi

Translated by

Natalia Bukia-Peters with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


