หัวใจห้องที่ห้า The Heart’s Fifth Chamber


หุบลึก บ้านเรือน แม่น้ำไหล
พราวพรืดพราวโอบอ้อมแขนกอดแผ่นดิน –
พรมหุบลึก บ้านเรือน แม่น้ำไหล
แผ่นดิน ผืนฟ้า เอื้ออาทร
เป็นบ้านเกิด เรือนนอน นานแสนนาน
เป็นบ้านเกิด เรือนนอน นานแสนนาน...
ปาย แม่ฮ่องสอน / ฤดูเข้าพรรษา 2550
อังคาร จันทาทิพย์

The Heart’s Fifth Chamber

Deep valleys   houses       a river flowing
The rim of the sky above    white clouds
blanketing the range of mountains
that stretches out to hug the earth
The heart dreams of peace
conquers misfortune, fans a fire that never goes out,
stands firm and knows how to listen
Like rain, love and hope temper heat
Lined with valleys    houses    a river flowing
At night the heart dreams the same dream
solicitous of earth and sky
My birthplace     where I sleep     forever
My birthplace     where I sleep     forever
Afternoon, Maehongson, Buddist Lent 2009

The Heart's Fifth Chamber

Deep valley(s)             houses     a river flowing
The edge of the sky above a group of white clouds
bobbing along a range of mountains stretching out
All-encompassing arms hugging the earth
The heart dreams of peace
conquers misfortune, fans a fire that never goes out
Life stands firm and knows how to listen
loves and hopes like rain trickling down puts out the heat.
Sprinkled with deep valleys    houses      a river flowing
At night the heart dreams the same old thing
solicitous of earth and sky
It's my birthplace        the place where I sleep          forever
It's my birthplace        the place where I sleep          forever
Afternoon, Maehongson, Buddhist Lent 2009

The title poem of Angkarn’s prize-winning collection, ‘The Heart’s Fifth Chamber’ was a delight to translate. As you’ll see if you compare Tracey’s literal version with our final translation, we merely tweaked some details, such as describing the clouds as ‘blanketing’ the mountains (once we’d realised they lay below the mountain peaks) which we then described as ‘hugging’ the earth.

Throughout the poem, Angkarn appears to be using the surrounding mountains as a metaphor for the heart itself with its ‘valleys’ and ‘mountains’. The idea of the heart having a fifth chamber is very beguiling. For Angkarn, it seems to harbour the spiritual nature of the self.

Sarah Maguire, Workshop Facilitator

Original Poem by

Angkarn Chanthathip

Translated by

Tracey Martin with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


