دنیا چیزی نیست The World Is Nothing

دنیا چیزی نیست

دنیا چیزی نیست

جز نمایشی
شیرها از حلقه های آتش عبور می کنند
بعضی سرها از حلقه ی طناب
و انگشت من از حلقه ای که تو برایم آوردی
در روزی که ساده بودم

The World Is Nothing

The world is nothing
but a show:
lions leap through hoops of fire,
some heads get snared in a noose,
and my finger slips through the ring you gave me
when I was simple

The World Is Nothing

The world is nothing
But a show
Lions pass through fire rings
Some heads pass through the rope ring
And my finger passes through the ring you brought me
On the day I was simple

As you’ll see from Alireza’s literal translation, the word ‘ring’ occurs three times whereas we had to change ‘ring’ to ‘hoop’ and then ‘noose’. A very powerful small poem, with a devastating final line.

In the original Farsi, none of these poems has a title. Because of the way our website is set up, we’ve had to use the first line as the title for each of them.

Sarah Maguire, Workshop Facilitator

Original Poem by

Fariba Shadloo

Translated by

Alireza Abiz with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


