Ontolojik Mesafe Ontological Distance

Ontolojik Mesafe

Gördüğünde beni, bir adım geri dur

koruyalım ontolojik mesafemizi
Olur ya, kendine yenilirsin
ruhunun gerçeğine
direnemezsin sonra
Oysa bahaneler için
hep mesafe lazım
Suçlamak ve sorumluluk atmak için
Topun yuvarlanmasına alan
unutulmaya zaman lazım
Geri dur bir adım beni gördüğünde
Ontolojik mesafemizi koruyalım

Ontological Distance

When you see me, take a step back
let's keep our ontological distance
Who knows, you might be defeated by yourself
by the truth of your soul
and you'll never get over it
To make excuses
you always need some distance
To accuse and to blame
the ball needs room to roll
and we need time to forget
Take a step back when you meet me
our ontological distance must be kept

Ontological Distance

When you see me, keep a step away

let’s keep our ontological distance
You might be defeated by yourself
the truth of your soul
you can not resist then
But for all excuses
one always need some distance
To accuse and to shift responsibility
The ball needs space to roll
forgetfulness needs time
When you see me, keep a step away
Let’s keep our ontological distance

The second of three poems by Karin Karakaşlı we translated, like the others, this too confronts the painful issue of Armenian identity in Turkish society where denial of the 1915 genocide is routine.

Sarah Maguire, Workshop Facilitator

Original Poem by

Karin Karakaslı

Translated by

Canan Marasligil with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


