لنگه جوراب زرد The Yellow Stocking

لنگه جوراب زرد


این باران لعنتی چه می کند
با این اواخر تیر
گل های ابریشم     اقاقیای نر     خرزهره های هنوز نه خیلی محتضر
و با این بید مجنون
که اخیراً به بلوغ رسید     به سبز سیر
با پنجره ها     بام ها
با حرف هایی که کم تر به یاد می آیند
گوشی را نگذار
تا سرفۀ ناودان را بشنوی     عطسۀ گنجشک ها
و آه یکی از مرا که هنوز به فکر توست
این باران لعنتی چه می کند
با این اواخر تیر
برگ های بعضاً معلق     نیمکت های زمین گیر
و جای خالی آن زن
که جا گذاشت     در کنج ذهن من
نگاهی مورب
لبخندی اریب     و لنگه جورابی زرد

تیر 1383


The Yellow Stocking

what is that blessed rain doing
to these late days of July
the Persian silk tree         the black locust tree
that late-blooming fireweed
and this weeping willow
which only just turned a deep green
To windows         rooftops
to words we remember less
Don't hang up
wait to hear the gutter's cough         the sparrow's sneeze
and the sigh of a me who still thinks of you
what is that blessed rain doing
to these late days of July
the leaves poised to fall         ancient benches
and the empty chair of a woman
who left          in the corner of my mind
a sidelong glass
a slanted smile         and one yellow stocking

The Yellow Sock

What is this damned rain doing
To  these late days of July
Persian silk tree       male black locust   not yet that
dying rose bays
And with this weeping willow
Which just recently matured         to a dark green color
With windows           rooftops
With words we remember less
Don’t hang up
Wait to hear the  gutter’s cough         the sparrow’s sneeze
And the sigh of one of me who still thinks of you
What is this damned rain doing
To these late days of July
Leaves somewhat dangling          benches chained
And the empty seat of that woman
Who left          at the corner of my mind
An oblique look
A slanted smile              and a yellow sock
July 2004

The first thing we needed to change was the title of the poem – from ‘The Yellow Sock’ (which sounds unintentially amusiing – and indubitably masculine) to the erotically-charged, very feminine, ‘The Yellow Stocking’.

We really appreciated the melancholic longing and tenderness of this poem and it was a real pleasure to be able to translate it into English.

Sarah Maguire, Workshop Facilitator

Original Poem by

Masoud Ahmadi

Translated by

Alireza Abiz with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


