ไม่มีของขวัญจากสงคราม No Gifts from War


เลือดของพ่อ เหงื่อของลูกร่วมปลูกสร้าง
กายพ่อห่าง แต่หัวใจไม่ห่างเหิน
ฝันของลูกอยู่ในนั้น ในฝันพ่อ
“คนสวน” รอเปลี่ยนผลัดพัก “นักรบกล้า”
“หนองบัวลำภู” อยู่ในฝัน “ปันนังสตา”
จอบ เสียม พร้า รอวันคืนวางปืนลง
บ้านสวนสงบ เช้าแดดส่อง นกร้องส่ง
ควันฟืนไฟ น้ำในกา ชารอชง
หอมร่ำคงกลิ่นรื่น ควันปืนเลือน !
ความตายเตือน สบตามาหลายครั้ง
สันติสุข – สืบและสร้างทางอีกเส้น
ลาดตระเวน – เรื่องเก่า เล่าความหลัง
รักษาการณ์ – ลูกหลานพร้อมล้อมวงฟัง
หวาดระแวง – ไม่ต้องระวังดั่งวานวัน
ฝันเล็กเล็ก ไม่หมายเป็นเช่นวีรบุรุษ
ถึงที่สุด ไฟล้างไฟ มิใฝ่ฝัน
กรำฝันร้ายหลายครั้งครา ฟันฝ่าข้าม
ใจไม่รักษาใจ จึงได้เห็น...
“ตาเนาะปูเต๊ะ :  แผ่นดินสีขาว”
อีกครั้งคราวซับเลือดไหล ไห้ห่มร่ำ
“บูโด” สะเทือนระเบิดสะท้าน “ภูพานคำ”
“หนองบัวลำภู” ร้าวกับข่าวร้าย
ดับฝันดีลงอีกฝัน “บันนังสตา”
ลับเลยล่วง ห่วงหา ลับลาหาย
เป็นของขวัญจากประเทศ บำเหน็จสุดท้าย...
ใครทำลายของขวัญ พรากสัญญา!?...

No Gifts from War

The rubber trees in father's plantation are ready to be tapped
The steadfast trees are deeply rooted
Their leaves and trunks dappled by the late-morning sun
The hills thick with dreams and hope
Blood of the father and sweat of the sun grew this together
The father's body may be far away but his heart is not
The whole plantation waits for his safe return
So that he can reap the rewards of old age
The son's dream lives in the father's dream
The Brave Warrior longs to become The Farmer
In Bannang Sata he dreams of Nongbalamphu
Hoe, spade, machete wait, day and night, for his gun to be set down
Back from the battlefield
the house and plantation would be quiet: sunrise, birdsong,
smoke from the fire, water boiling, tea in the pot,
the scent of oleander, the fading smell of gunsmoke
Peace - means to seek and create another life
Patrol - an anecdote to recount years later
Duty - your children gathered around ready to listen
Fear - no need for caution any more
A modest dream - no desire to be a hero -
unassuming right to the end
His family just wants him back in one piece
The gift left behind after war has ended
Hope will never be lost
Despite nightmares it prevails
It's what everyone wants
Everyone caught in the crossfire
Hearts won't heal
while the country is a factory weaving flags for coffins
while it manufactures suffering
and digs up hatred while burying suffering
Grandfathers: the blameless earth
once again is drenched in blood
The south's new war reverberates with the north-east's memory
Nongbualamphu is shattered by the news
A nightmare extinguishes the dream of Bannang Sata
Lost, longed for, exiled
It's the nation's gift, its last reward
to take the farmer from his son forever
Such a small dream - and suddenly you're a hero!
A myth created, a dream destroyed
The farmhouse waits in vain for the old man's return
Who destroyed the gift? Who betrayed the promise?

No Gift from War

The rubber trees in father's plantation are almost ready to be cut
The trees stand unyielding still deeply rooted all over the plantation
The late sunlight shyly illuminates the green leaves and all the trunks
Fair dreams and hopes in profusion all over the hills
The blood of the father, the sweat of the son built this together
The body of the father is far away but his heart is not distant
all around the safe plantation waits for father to come walking
Not too late the rewards of almost old age.
The son's dream lies in the fathers dream
'The farmer' waits to become 'the brave  warrior'
Nongbualamphu is in the dream Banang Sata
Hoe spade machete wait day and night for him to put down his gun.
Retired from the battlefield
House and plantation are quiet. In the morning sunlight comes, birds
smoke from the fire, water in the pot, tea waiting to be brewed,
the refreshing smell of oleander, the faint smell of gunsmoke!
The smooth hand held a  gun to keep the glass from falling
It was pleasant to sip tea and gossip with friends
Restraint all around the years and months used to go by quickly
Death warned him,  came to meet him many times.
Peace – to search for and build another way
Patrol – an old story told after the event
Duty – your children around you ready to listen
Fear – you don't need to be careful every day
A tiny dream, not intending to be a hero
right to the end hiding the light, unambitious
his family ask only for the return of the person he was
it's the gift left from war
The aspiration will never be extinguished
despite frequent nightmares the dream prevails
it's the dream of everyone for a long time to come
the dream in the middle of the conflagration of the battlefield.
The heart doesn't heal the heart until it can see
the country is a factory weaving flags for coffins
turning  out ever-increasing suffering
turning out buried hatred, hidden bravery.
Grandfathers : the white earth
once again absorbs flowing blood repeatedly enfolds it
Budo explodes shaking into Phupaankam
Nongbualamphu is cracked  by bad news.
Another dream replaces the good dream of Banang Sata
The secret has expired, worries sought, the secret chased away
It's a gift from the country, the last reward
Take the farmer away from his son forever.
The smallest dream and you end up being a hero!?
The supposed destination came after the fire set light to the dream
The farmhouse only waits for the return of that old man
Who destroyed the gift, took away the promise?

Nongbualamphu – a province in north-eastern Thailand (site of the rubber plantation)

Bannang Sata – a district in Yala province in southern Thailand (where the father was murdered)

Budo – a mountain range in southern Thailand

Phupaankam – a mountain range/national park in Nongbualamphu province

This poem was inspired by the murder of the respected Colonel Sompian Eksomya by a roadside bomb in Bannang Sata, a district in Yala province, in March 2010. The insurgents first disabled Sompian’s vehicle with a bomb and then fired at the vehicle, killing the colonel and his driver and injuring two other police officers. Aged 60 at the time of his death, the powerful reaction in Thailand to his murder was intensified by his age and long service: many people felt he should have been allowed to retire to his rubber plantation, founded with his son, years earlier.

Thailand has been plagued by conflict and insurgency for many years provoked by ongoing border disputes with Cambodia, conflict between different ethnic groups and a coup d’etat that took place in 2006.

Tracey Martin, Literal Translator

Note on the original text:

มิถุนายน – กรกฏาคม 2553
บันดาลใจจากเรื่องราวของชุมพล เอกสมญา และพลตำรวจเอกสมเพียร เอกสมญา

Angkarn Chanthathip, Poet

Original Poem by

Angkarn Chanthathip

Translated by

Tracey Martin with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


