Ha Derderin Carrada! Don’t Strike Against the Soil!

Ha Derderin Carrada!

Haw dayrin naftayda!
Hay dhigin daleel nacab!
Duufaan jacayl iyo
Wahsi haygu dayrin!
Duulkaan la habaabiyo
Da'day hayga reebine!
Oo doqonka reeride,
Nabsi hayga doonnine!
Ha derderin carrada, ha duulin!
Ha degdegine joog, nala joog! / Iska joog!
Dalka lama nebcaadee,
Dibedaha lamaba jeclaadee.
Doofaarka ficil li'i baa
Dabka loogu ridayaa,
Daa'imo carruurtuna
Inay ficilka garatee,
Aniguna ku doortoo
Kuma dayn karaayee,
Nacas duunyo haystiyo
Qoqon hayga raacine!
Ha derderin carrada, ha duulin!
Ha degdegine joog, nala joog! / Iska joog!
Dalka lama nebcaadee,
Dibedaha lamaba jeclaadee.
Aniguba daraaddaa
Dibedaha wareegoo,
Dadku wayla yaabuu
Doqon ii maleeyee,
Qalbigii ku doortaa
Nabarkii damqanayaa,
Dumar haygu noqonnine,
Waa in aad dadaashaa!
Ha derderin carrada, ha duulin!
Ha degdegine joog, nala joog! / Iska joog!
Dalka lama nebcaadee,
Dibedaha lamaba jeclaadee.

Don’t Strike Against the Soil!

Don’t disown or refuse me!
Don’t hurl me in a hole with enemies!
Don’t keep me alone and away from you
With love’s dangerous storms!
Don’t push me towards people
Who walk a darker path!
I’m a dolt who’ll bend to your wishes:
Don’t sin by making me sin!
Don’t strike against the soil, don’t fly!
Don’t hurry in haste: stay, just stay!
It isn’t right to despise one’s country,
I don’t deserve to be loved and left.
The pig won’t defy others
so at death it goes to hell –
this demonstrates why children
must defend their families.
I’ve chosen you, my dear.
I can’t let you desert me,
for that dumb, rich man,
for some dull stooge!
Don’t strike against the soil, don’t fly!
Don’t hurry in haste: stay, just stay!
It isn’t right to despise one’s country,
I don’t deserve to be loved and left.
t’s due to you
I’ve roamed directionless.
People were dismayed -
thought I was duped,
But my heart’s decided on you:
Feel the tender damage,
Let me know I can depend
On you to try your damnedest!
Don’t strike against the soil, don’t fly!
Don’t hurry in haste: stay, just stay!
It isn’t right to despise one’s country
I don’t deserve to be loved and left.

Don't Strike Against the Soil!

Don’t disown and refuse enabling a relationship with me!
Don’t put me a void space surrounded by enemies!
Don’t be idle to keep me alone and away from you,
With the storms of love!
Or need not being put part of the people
Sought to distance from the correct path,
Like a fool humbly bowing to your wishes
Don’t earn divine retribution of your deeds!
Don’t strike against the soil, don’t fly abroad!
Don’t act with great haste but stay, stay with us! / Just stay!
It isn’t right to dislike one’s country intensely
Also it isn’t deserved to be regarded worth to love to fly abroad.
Because of the pig been unreactive to provocation and lacking mutual
support within its group
In the afterworld it will end up in hell to be purified,
And the kids in this regard
Have to understand to side and support their relatives,
And I’ve chosen you
I can’t let you go away,
With a foolish rich man
With a dull slow to understand person.
Don’t strike against the soil, don’t fly abroad!
Don’t act with great haste but stay, stay with us! / Just stay!
It isn’t right to dislike one’s country intensely
Also it isn’t deserved to be regarded worth to love to fly abroad.
For the sake of you
I even roamed aimlessly outside,
People were surprised
And thought that I’m blockheaded,
My heart has chosen you
Feeling the pain’s sore spot,
Be a woman worthy of trust,
And try all your best!
Don’t strike against the soil, don’t fly abroad!
Don’t act with great haste but stay, stay with us! / Just stay!
It isn’t right to dislike one’s country intensely
Also it isn’t deserved to be regarded worth to love to fly abroad.

You can hear the poet, Faysal Cumar Mushteeg, who tragically died in September 2012 on his way to take part in Somali Week, sing this very famous song by clicking here.

This translation was commissioned by The Somali Week Festival which is organised by Kayd and supported by Arts Council England.

Original Poem by

Faysal Cumar Mushteeg

Translated by

Maxamed Xasan ‘Alto’ with Clare Pollard Language


