رفاقت Friendship


ما کفش هاي چرمي هم بوديم

وقتي کنار در همراه مي شويم
از خاطرات همدگر آگاه مي شويم

درخاطرات تو گوساله اي ست رومي

پروار گفته هاي خدايان
بروار نقل
پروار دور باطل تاريخ
از زندگي به مرگ
ار سفسطه به عقل
آن گاه
با کلب کلب کلب
با کلبيان رواق رواق آمده به بقل
پس از تو
 کفشي درست کرده
تحفه نموده است به درويشي

من بچه گوزني بودم به کاشغر

در حمله مغول به خراسان سپر شدم
دربلخ کاغذ سبق
 در باميان علم
در غزنه زير دست يکي کفشگر شدم
دزدي مرا خريد

تو از زمان کفش شدن

 اندازه مانده اي
درويش ونسل هاي پسين
 هر گز ترا نه ديده نه پوشيده اند
تو تازه مانده اي
با دزدهاي مختلفي راه رفته ام
دزدان مرا زمان به زمان شب به شب
با خود گرفته اند وبه اين جا کشيده اند
اينک من وتو آه
همراه همراه همراه
از خاطرات هم دگر آگاه

ما کفش هاي چرمي هم هستيم



We were two pairs of shoes made of leather
Belonging to one another
When we came together by the door
We share each other's memories.
You are a memory of a Roman calf
Bred in the shadows of Roman goddess
Bred in wisdom
Bred in recurring eras of vanity
From life to death
From sophistry to logic
And then
Grown to liberty with cynosures
Then a king made a shoe of you
And gifted to a monk
I was a baby Elk in China
The Mongols made a shield of me
The Persians a parchment in Balkh
Then a flag in Bamiyan
In Kabul I fell into the hands of a shoemaker
A thief bought me
From the time you were a shoe
Up to present time
Remained the same
The monk and the following generations
Neither wore you nor even saw you
You're still in frame
But I
walked with many many thieves
Day after day and night after night
Dragged me with them to here
And now you and me
With each other all along
With known memories of each other
We are two pairs of shoes made of leather

Reza wrote this poem when he migrated to west and befriended those oblivious to harsh realities of life in Afghanistan.

Hamid Kabir, Literal Translator

Original Poem by

Reza Mohammadi

Translated by

Hamid Kabir with Nick Laird Language


