Em si mesmo In itself

Em si mesmo

Em si mesmo
como espelhos, lagos
com revelações instantâneas
feito um filme, fita
24 vezes p/ segundo
24 quadros
na câmara escura
sou 400 ASA voando
cem soluções à vista

In itself

In itself
like mirrors, lakes
instant revelations
like a film looks
24 times per second
24 frames
in the dark room
I am 400 ISO flying
no solutions in sight

In itself

In itself
as mirrors, lakes
with instant revelations         
made a film, gazes
24 times p/ second
24 paintings
in the dark room
I am 400 ISO flying
One hundred solutions in sight                     

We had no solution, unfortunately, for the final line’s ‘cem’, meaning 100, which also sounds like ‘sem’, without.

400 ASA is ‘fast’ film, used in low-light conditions; now called ISO.

Sarah Maguire, Workshop Facilitator

Notes on the literal translation:

dual meaning – revelação = develop or revelation

wordplay – cem=100 or sem = without

Francisco Vilhena, Literal Translator

Original Poem by

Armando Freitas Filho

Translated by

Francisco Vilhena with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


