บ้านเรือนและผู้คน Houses and People


ทีละจุด ทีละจุดส่องจินตภาพ...
ฝั่งทะเล ทุ่งราบ บนภูเขา
ทุ่งนา ข้างถนน ค่ำหม่นเทา
ที่โน่น ที่นี่เฝ้าจุดดวงไฟ...
วอมแวม เรืองรองของชีวิต
ทุกที่ ทุกทิศ ถึงเมืองใหญ่
ชนบท ย่านบาง ทั้งใกล้ ไกล
ทีละจุด จุดความฝันในจินตภาพ
วอมแวม เรืองรองของชีวิต,
คืนมืดมิด คนเดินทาง โลกกว้างใหญ่
ตะกั่วป่า-กรุงเทพ/คืนวันที่ 11 พฤศจิกายน 2548

Houses and People

Each spot   each spot kindles an image...
the seashore   the plain   the top of a mountain
the rice field   the roadside   the bleak grey twilight
there, then here, the light is tended...
Glistening splendour of life
each place   each direction   arrives in the city
the countryside   riversides   near far
never without houses and people
The forms of the houses are created by people
everywhere is old from the beginning
the dark ancient times are finished
go beyond the past until you reach the present
People build houses homes
their dreams are built from the light of their lives
the truth of all things is sustained
by that - forever
Each place is the dream of an image
reveals a truth stronger than
the heart of the darkest darkness
everywhere under the sky there is light
Glistening brilliance of life
the deep dark night   the traveller   the wide world
each place everywhere it breaks through
never without houses and people

Houses and People

Each spot   each spot  illuminates an image
the sea shore          the plain        the top of a mountain
the rice field  the roadside  the sad grey twilight
over there     over here tends the light - -
Glittering       splendour of life
every place   every direction        arriving in the city
the countryside       riverbank districts    near   far
never without houses and people
The forms of houses are created by people
everywhere is old from the beginning
the dark ancient times are over
go beyond the past till you reach the present
People build houses homes
by tending the light of their lives they build their dream
to sustain the truth all things
come from that - forever
Each place   is the place of the dream of an image
gives a picture of the truth that is greater than
the centre of the most gloomy darkness
wherever it is under the sky there's a light
Glittering       brightness of life
the deep dark night     traveller    the wide world
every place everywhere it pushes its way through
never without houses and people

Original Poem by

Angkarn Chanthathip

Translated by

Tracey Martin with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


