باران Rain


باران اگر بیاید
یاران من به خانه زمینگیر می شوند
با کفش های پینه ای مردگانشان
دروازه های شهر بسته
پایه به پایه کهنگی شهر
می شکند در دهانشان
ما کشتگان خود را 
در انتظار روز جزا
در سرداب
در زیر خانه
در جعبه های باروت
در زیر خشم کهنه اجدادی پنهان کردیم
باران اگر بیاید روز جزا دوباره به تعویق می افتد
باران جنایتی است
امید های خلقی را خاک می کند
باران اگر ببارد
از کوچه رد خون مرا پاک می کند


If it rains
my friends will be stuck at home
wearing the shoes of the dead.
The gates to the city are sealed.
Pillar by pillar
its relics
break in their mouth.
We have hidden our dead
in the cellar
until the day of vengeance.
They are buried
under boxes of gunpowder
and ancestral rage. 
If it rains
the day of vengeance
will be postponed once again.
Rain is a crime.
Rain ruins dreams.
If it rains
the rain will purge my blood
from the streets.

Reza, Moheb and I worked on this poem together. These are some of the changes I made to the literal version.

In the first stanza, I added the verb ‘wearing’ because English works better with verbs rather than the bald abstraction. In ‘the gates to the city’, I changed the tense to the present – ‘are sealed’ – for reasons of immediacy. I also went for ‘pillar’ rather than ‘column’ because I like the sound better in this context. I changed ‘obsolescence’, an abstract noun, to ‘relics’ which are tangible.

In the final stanza, I used the verb ‘purge’, rather than wash or clean, because it has the sense of a ritual cleansing.

Sarah Maguire


If it rains
my friends will be stuck at home
in the old shoes
of their dead
The gate of the city is closed
column by column
the obsolescence of the city
breaks in their mouth
We have hidden
our own dead
in the cellar
waiting for the revenge day
under boxes of gunpoweder
under the old ancestral rage
If the rains come the day of revenge will be postponed again
Rain is a crime
which will fade the hopes of the people
If rain falls
it will clean my blood
from the streets

Original Poem by

Reza Mohammadi

Translated by

Moheb Mudessir with Sarah Maguire Language


