بعضُهنَّ يقيمُ عندكْ Some of Them Live with You

بعضُهنَّ يقيمُ عندكْ

بعضُهنَّ يلتقينَ بكَ
في زوايا الوجودِ المُعْتَمَةْ
بعضُهنَّ لا يضئنَ لي
يحملنَ ثأراتٍ ويُهْرَعَنَ
مُصْطَفِقَاتٍ بأوديةِ الروحْ
بعضُهنَّ تحت وطءِ الجبلْ
لا يحتمينَ بشَيْءْ
بعضُهنَّ مَلَكْنَ قلبَكَ
بعضُهنَّ ذَبحْنَه
بعضُهنَّ كشفنَ عُرْيَكَ
بعضُهنَّ: أنا وأنتْ.

Some of Them Live with You

Some of them meet you
in the dark corners of the world
Some remain hidden
Some harbour revenge
or plot their escape
as they gallop down the valley of the wind
Some linger at the foot of a mountain
exposed to the elements
Some owned your heart
Some slaughtered it
Some stripped you naked
Some: me and you

Some of Them Live with You

Some meet you
At the dark corners of the world
Some do not open up to me
Carry sentiments of revenge and escape
They stay close to the valleys of winds
Some stay by the foot of a mountain
Do not take cover under anything
Some had owned your heart
Some had slaughtered it
Some have exposed you naked
Some of them: I and you.

Original Poem by

Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi

Translated by

Atef Alshaer with Sarah Maguire Language


