سطوع Radiance


يَقُلْنَ إِنَّهُنَّ أَصْغَرُ مِنِّي
ويَمْضِيْنَ مُسْرِعاتٍ في وداعي
يَقْتَفِيْنَ أَثَرَ النُّبوُءَةِ الكاذبة
وأنا أتوارَى من الحنانِ دامعاً
قربَ حائطٍ يتكَسَّرُ
من لَذَّةٍ مبهمةْ
إِسرِعي في التَّماثُلِ
في التَزَيِّي بأَوراقِ الخديعة
وراءَ تَلِّ الحُدُوسْ
تَعَلَّقي بِهِنَّ وتابعيني
من وراءِ الوضوحِ المُتَواري
مثلَ صائدٍ تَحْرُثينَ الظِّلالَ الرَّهيفةَ
في اللَّيل، تَسْلَخِينَ الدَّمعةَ
من صَمْغِ الحاقِنِ الدَّمْعَ
في نجمةٍ تَحْرُسُهُ
خلفَ بابِ الوجودْ!.


They say they're too young for me
They see right through me
and brush me off with coy excuses
Tearful, I retreat
behind a wall eroded by longing
Race to resemble them -
dress in deceit
disavow insight
Follow them
and I will be revealed -
a hunter quarrying the translucent shadows
At night you will see tears
seep from a ringed star
fixed at the ends of existence


They say that they are younger than me
And they harry up to say goodbye to me
They search for the traces of false prophesies
And I protect myself from longing with tears
I stay near a fragile wall
On which there are signs of ambiguous desire
Harry up to become something else
To adorn yourself with the leafs of deceit
Behind the hill of intuition
Stick with them and follow me
You would see me from behind the veil of ambiguity
Like a hunter plowing the tender shadows
At night, you watch the tears
Dripping over a guarded star
Locked behind the door of existence!

Original Poem by

Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi

Translated by

Atef Alshaer with Sarah Maguire Language


