ورقة Record


يا مَلِكَ الهُتَافَاتِ البَعَيدَةْ
مَنْ رَآكَ
يا صَدِيقَ الشَّهْقَةِ والصَّمْتْ
 مَنْ أَبْصَرَ الشَّارِعَ في دَمِكْ
مَنْ هَيَّأَ للسَاعَةِ
زَفَافَ الصَرْخَةِ
هَيَّأَ للقُضْبَانِ حِدَادَ الجُدْرِ
وَمُوتْ العَالَمِ في كَلِمَةْ؟!
تَسْقُطُ ذَاكِرَةُ المُدُنْ العَطِنَةْ
تَسْقُطُ أحْلامُ العَالَمْ
يَسْقُطُ تَارِيخُ الأَمْسَاخْ


King of the distant cries
Companion of screaming and silence -
Who saw you?
Who saw the blood on your roads?
Who prepared the watch and the spectacle of fear? 
Who built the walls and threw a guard around them?
Who made the world die in the space of a word?
Memories of cities - fall
Expectations - fall
Histories of forgery - fall 

A Page

O, the king of the distant cries,
Who saw you
O, the companion of the scream and silence
Who saw the road in your blood
Who prepared the watch
The spectacle of a scream
Who created the walls and put a guard on them
And who made the world die in a word?!
The memory of the cities, fall
The dreams of the world, fall
The history of the forgers, fall

Original Poem by

Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi

Translated by

Atef Alshaer with Sarah Maguire Language


