Entre estas ruinas Among These Ruins

Entre estas ruinas

Este hotel es una Antigua escuela,
uno lo siente a pesar del tiempo.
A pesar de los muros derruidos,
de los espacios rotos. Los que viven aquí
parecen estar de paso. Unas horas
al día. Algunos meses.
tienen sus propios cuartos,
pero dan la impression de estar siempre cambiando.
Hace tiempo que busco entre estas ruinas mi habitación.
No sabría decir desde cuándo, pero ahora
he salido a lo que debió ser un jardín
o algún patio trasero.
Desde aquí todos los espacios están invertidos.
Tal vez reconozca la fisonomía de mi cuarto
por su revés. O tal vez reconozca de él
algún sonido.

Among These Ruins

This hotel is an old school,
you can feel it, though time has passed.
Despite the broken-down walls,
the smashed spaces.  The people who live here
seem to be passing through.  A few hours
each day.  A few months.
they do have their own rooms,
but they seem to be constantly on the move.
I have been looking for my own room for some time among these ruins.
I couldn't say how long, but now
I've come out into what must have been a garden
or some back terrace.
From here, all the spaces are back to front.
Perhaps I will recognize the look of my room
by its own back.  Or from it, perhaps, I will catch
some sound.

Amid These Ruins

This hotel is an old school,
one feels it in spite of time.
In spite of the demolished walls,
the broken spaces. The people who live here
seem to be passing through. A few hours
a day. A few months.
they have their own rooms,
but they give the impression of constantly changing.
I have been looking for my room amid these ruins for some time.
I couldn't say how long, but now
I have come out into what must have been a garden
or some rear patio.
From here all the spaces are inverted/reversed.
Perhaps I will recognize the face/appearance of my room
by its back/other side. Or perhaps I will recognize from it
some sound.

Original Poem by

Coral Bracho

Translated by

Tom Boll with Katherine Pierpoint Language


