Aural Aural


Escarcha sucia del audio
en la penumbra nómada
del automóvil;
ciénaga de sonidos
en donde la aguja del oído
apenas puede moverse.
De pronto, una torch singer
desmenuza a Wittgenstein
con tenedores de Cante...
¿Cómo lo hace? ¿Cómo
desenlaza, destraba los lenguajes,
hace fluir el mundo -y por añadidura
suma la gracia
y la tragedia?
El automóvil
entra en la noche
ungido por la música.


Gritty frost from
the radio speaker
in the car's
nomadic shadows:
a swamp of sounds
in which hearing's
needle can
barely move.
Out of nowhere,
a torch singer
slices through Wittgenstein
with the cutlery
of cante jondo...
How does she do it? -
unstitch, unseam
language itself,
make the world flow and
if that wasn't enough
hit the twin peaks
of grace and tragedy?
The car
anointed with music
slips into the night.
Jamie worked directly from the Spanish to translate David Huerta's poems, so we don't have literal versions for his translations.

Original Poem by

David Huerta

Translated by

Jamie McKendrick with Jamie McKendrick Language


