Like a Desert Flower

Like a Desert Flower

Like a desert flower waiting for rain,
like a river-bank thirsting for the touch of pitchers,
like the dawn
longing for light;
and like a house,
like a house in ruins for want of a woman -
the exhausted ones of our times
need a moment to breathe,
need a moment to sleep,
in the arms of peace, in the arms of peace.

‘Lalmi’ is dry farming on desert areas where there is no proper irrigation system.
‘Goodar’ is a place on the bank of a stream or river at which water is drawn. Girls usually go there in the late afternoon to take fresh clean water in earthen ware jars.
‘Mangai’ is a large earthenware water pot.

Like a Wild Flower

Like a wild flower waiting for rain
Like a river bank thirsty to be touched by pitchers
Like dawn, longing for light
Wants/needs a moment to take a breath.
And like a house
Like a house which is ruined/destroyed without a woman/(wife)
Likewise, the tired man of our times
Wants/needs a moment to sleep/rest
On the arms of peace/serenity/tranquillity.

Original Poem by

Parween Faiz Zadah Malaal

Translated by

Dawood Azami with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


