incorpóreo paseo I Go Bodiless

incorpóreo paseo

incorpóreo paseo del sol a lo umbrío
agua música en la sombra viviente
atravieso la afilada vagina
que me guía de la ceguera a la luz
bajo la alta cúpula sonora
en este colosal simulacro de nido
toco el vientre marino con mi vientre
registro minuciosamente mi cuerpo
hurgo mis sentimientos
estoy viva

I Go Bodiless

I go bodiless from the sun to the shady
water music of living shadow
through the narrowing vagina
which guides me from blindness to light
under the high echoing dome
in this colossal semblance of a nest
I touch the sea belly with my belly
I inspect my body meticulously
poke at my feelings
I am alive

The final version was prepared by Gwen MacKeith and was barely changed in the workshop since we liked it so much.

I Go Bodiless

incorporeal I walk/stroll/ride/parade/avenue from the sun
to the shady
water music in living shadow
I cross/go through the tapering/sharp vagina
which guides me from blindness to light
under the high sonorous/resonant dome
in this colossal/splendid pretense/semblance/mock of nest
I meticulously/thoroughly register/search/inspect my body
I touch the marine stomach with my stomach
I poke/jab my feelings
I am living

Original Poem by

Blanca Varela

Translated by

Gwen MacKeith with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


