Hope Against Hope

Hope Against Hope

Hope against hope should never end
The beloved should never be defamed
Tonight she made this final vow:
May this evening never end

As with Shakir Shujabaadi’s other poems, this deceptively simple lyric was far from easy to translate.

Gender is not marked in Siraiki and, in this poem, we decided to make the subject female rather than male, as in the literal version.

This is one in a long series of poems grouped by their forms, none of which has a title. Calling the poem ‘Stanza’ – the translation of ‘Qutah’ – seemed a bit bald, so we decided to add a title to the poem.

Very little contemporary poetry from Siraiki has been translated into English and we were very lucky that Nukhbah Langah brought these beautiful poems by Shakir Shujaabadi to our workshop.


The hope should not end
The beloved should not be defamed
It was his last promise
I hope this evening does not end

This is one in a long series of poems grouped by their forms, none of which have titles. ‘Qutah’ means ‘stanza’.

Original Poem by

Shakir Shujaabadi

Translated by

Nukhbah Langah with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


