Flowers and Man

Flowers and Man

Flowers feed on earth and ashes,
some clear, but mostly murky water --
yet they are holy, beautiful, fragrant;
their colours delight both eyes and hearts.
While man, before whom angels once bowed down,
looks on flowers, drinks water purer than tears,
and crunches deep red apples --
yet turns ugly -- why?

Flower and Man

The food of flower is/flower feeds on earth, ashes & fertilizers
A little clear & lots of murky water
Despite this (it) is sacred, is beautiful, full of scents/sweet smells/smell breezes
Eyes & hearts take pleasure by (watching) it, (it is) colourful/ full of colours
But, man to whom angels have prostrated.
Looks at flower and drinks water clearer than tears
Crunches dark red apples
Am surprised, why becomes ugly.

Original Poem by

Pir Muhammad Karwaan

Translated by

Dawood Azami with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


