O peso da vida! The Burden of Life

O peso da vida!

O peso da vida!
Gostava de senti-lo à tua maneira
e ouvi-la crescer dentro de mim,
em carne viva,
não queria somente
rasgar-te a ferida,
não queria apenas esta vocação paciente
do lavrador,
mas, também, a da terra
e que é a tua
Assume o amor como um ofício
onde tens que te esmerar,
repete-o até à perfeição,
repete-o quantas vezes for preciso
até dentro dele tudo durar
e ter sentido
Deixa nele crescer o sol
até tarde,
deixa-o ser a asa da imaginação,
a casa da concórdia,
só nunca deixes que sobre
para não ser memória.

The Burden of Life

The burden of life!
I loved bearing it, just like you,
hearing it grow inside me,
in living flesh.
I didn't only want
to open your wound,
I didn't only want
the patient vocation of a labourer:
I wanted the earth's vocation too,
which also is yours.
Treat love like a profession,
to be practised with great care.
Repeat to perfection
as often as necessary,
until it lasts
and everything inside
is in the right place.
Let the sun rise into the night.
Never let love become a leftover, a memory.

The Burden of Life

The weight of life!
I liked to feel it (the weight) as you did/in your way
and to hear it (life) grow inside me,
in living flesh,
I didn't only want to tear/rip your wound,
I didn't just want the patient vocation
of the farmhand/ farm labourer,
but, also, that (vocation) of the earth
and which is yours.
Assume/take on love like a profession/service
where you have to take great care,
repeat it until perfection,
repeat it as many times as is necessary
until inside it everything lasts
and has meaning/is acceptable/ is right.
Let inside it the sun grow
until late,
let it be the wing of the/your imagination,
the house of peace/agreement,
only never let it be left over/ remain
so it doesn't become memory

Original Poem by

Eduardo White

Translated by

Stefan Tobler with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


