Hijos del sol y del viento Children of the Sun and the Wind

Hijos del sol y del viento

Aún vivimos en las esquinas
de la nada
entre el norte y el sur de las estaciones.
Seguimos durmiendo
abrazando almohadas de piedra
como nuestros padres.
Perseguimos las mismas nubes
y reposamos bajo la sombra de las acacias desnudas.
Nos bebemos el té a sorbos de fuego
caminamos descalzos para no espantar el silencio.
Y a lo lejos
en las laderas del espejismo
todavía miramos, como cada tarde
las puestas de sol en el mar.
Y la misma mujer que se detiene
sobre las atalayas del crepúsculo
en el centro del mapa nos saluda.
Nos saluda y se pierde
en los ojos de un niño que sonríe
desde el regazo de la eternidad.
Aún esperamos la aurora siguiente
para volver a comenzar.

Children of the Sun and the Wind

We still live
on the brink of nothingness,
between the north and south of the seasons
We still sleep
on stone pillows,
like our fathers
We still follow the same clouds,
resting in the shadows of thorn trees
We still drink down our tea while swallowing fire
and we walk barefoot not to frighten the silence
And in the distance
at the edge of the mirage
we still watch, every evening
the sun fall into the sea
And the same woman greets us
while she posts lookout for the dusk
in the middle of the map
She greets us, then is lost
in the eyes of a child
smiling from the lap of eternity
And we still wait
for a new dawn
We still wait to begin again

Children of the Sun and the Wind

We still live on the corners
of the nothing
between the north and the south of the seasons.
We still sleep
embracing stone pillows
like our fathers.
We follow the same clouds
and we rest beneath the shadow of the bare acacias.
We drink down tea with sips of fire,
we walk barefoot so as not to frighten the silence.
And in the distance
on the slopes of the mirage
we still watch, like every evening
the sun setting on the sea.
And the same woman who pauses
at the lookouts of the dusk
in the centre of the map greets us.
She greets us and is lost
in the eyes of a child who smiles
from the lap of eternity.
We still wait for the following dawn
to start once more.

Original Poem by

Mohammed Ebnu

Translated by

Tom Boll with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language



Western Sahara