Tiris Tiris


Si llegas alguna vez
a una tierra lisa y blanca
acompañada de inmensas estatuas negras
y el andar pasivo de camellos y beduinos,
recuerda que existe una tierra sin amo y sin dueño
espejo y alma de todo ser inocente.


If you ever come
to a wide, white land
dotted with towering black statues
crossed by the slow tracks of camels and Bedouin,
remember there exists a land with no master and no owner,
the mirror and the soul of all innocent people


If you ever arrive
to a white and wide land
coupled with immense black statues
and the passive pace of camels and Bedouins,
remember that there exists a land without master and without owner,
mirror and soul of all innocent beings.

Original Poem by

Ali Salem Iselmu

Translated by

Lucy Frankel, Antonio Martinez Arboleda with Sarah Maguire Language



Western Sahara