Los versos de la madera Lines on Wood

Los versos de la madera

Cuando escuchaba la canción
de bellas palabras pretéritas,
se hacían bautizar en la fogata
los versos de la madera.
Un faro cálido envió su señal
a un barco solitario
y le orientó
en los contornos tropicales,
en el seno generoso
de la Caribeña.
Pero escuchaba la canción,
y en el humo de la fogata
los versos de la madera.

Lines on Wood

As I listened to that old and beautiful song
its fine words were baptised by the flames
igniting the bonfire of this poem
An incandescent lighthouse
lit up a solitary boat
guiding it
through the tropics
to the safe haven
of the Caribbean
But I listened to that song
and in the smoke of the bonfire
its poetry

The verses of wood

As I listened to the song
of fine words from the past,
they became baptized in the blaze/bonfire
of the verses of wood.
A hot lighthouse sent its signal
to a solitary boat
and guided it
in the tropical regions,
in the generous breast
of the Caribbean.
But I listened to the song,
and in the smoke of the blaze/bonfire
the verses of wood

Original Poem by

Limam Boicha

Translated by

Tom Boll with Sarah Maguire Language



Western Sahara