The Poetry Translation Centre teams up with Out of Your Head! (OOYH!) in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Thursday 25 April 2024

6:30 – 10:00 pm

The Cumberland Arms

*Past Event*


Out of Your Head! (OOYH!) is a monthly, non-competitive open-mic night based in Newcastle Upon Tyne.

It is an event for those of us who think too much and share too little.

This month, they are having a polylingual poetry night special, in partnership with the Poetry Translation Centre, The Cumberland Arms and New Writing North.

The night is packed full with performances from an amazing selection of featured artists and, of course, performers from the open-theme open mic.

We’ll hear from members of local collective Brown Girls Write, following their poetry translation workshop with Natalia Bukia-Peters, when they co-translated ‘Birth Certificate’ by Georgian poet Diana Anphimiadi. Diana and Natalia will be appearing at Newcastle Poetry Festival in May to talk more about their work.

If you’re interested in this event, why not come along to the workshop on Tuesday 16th April to start thinking about how you can use multiple languages in your work?

OOYH! wants to liven up the North-East performance scene for anyone wishing to express themselves in a creative way; providing a new and fascinating experience every month with a new theme.

The pandemic and austerity has led to the decimation of the arts scene and a barren future for young and/or unestablished creative performers. OOYH! wants to provide a stage for people from all backgrounds to share their hopes, their thoughts and their agony in a nurturing environment.

Thoughts can become realities when they’re expressed to an audience who are primed to hear you out!

Supported by Arts Council England.

The Cumberland Arms James Pl St