Queer poetry in translation from Argentina and the UK, with readings in Spanish and English and a Q&A with Leo Boix.

Friday 17 March 2023

7:00 – 10:00 pm

Triangle LGBTQ+ Cultural Centre

*Past Event*


The Poetry Translation Centre’s first-ever Queer Digital Residency is coming to its final climax with a bilingual Spanish and English poetry event at Deptford’s finest LGBTQ+ venue: The Triangle. Join us for poetry readings, pink drinks, and chatter about translating queerness, Scots poetry and the Roadrunner’s erotic fixations with our Queer Digital Residents: Paula Galindez and Jon Herring.

Our Queer Digital Resident translators will be reading poems by the poets they have translated: Scottish Poet Jackie Kay’s poems will be read in Spanish for the first time also side new English trslations of Arhgeninian Poet Osvaldo Bossi. Ringleading for the evening will be poet and translator Leo Boix.

The Queer Digital Residency was run in partnership with the Universidad de San Andrés in Argentina. The selected translators, one from the UK and one from Argentina took part in a seven month development program to elevate and strengthen their translation practices and translate queer poets. They were given time an money to grow their own practice alongside online talks with leading poets and translators, including Mary Jean Chan and Andrew McMillan, editors of the 100 Queer Poems anthology and poet & translator Jeffrey Angles.

Triangle LGBTQ+ Cultural Centre 34 Watson's St