Argentinian poet and translator Paula Galindez leads an online workshop translating Queer poetry from English into Spanish.

Monday 12 September 2022

6:30 – 8:30 pm

Online Via Zoom

*Past Event*


Join Argentinian poet and translator Paula Galindez for an online workshop translating Queer poetry from English into Spanish. This is the first time the PTC has translated into a target language other than English.

This workshop is part of the PTC and Universidad de San Andrés’ Queer Digital Residency: a seven-month development program for two emerging Queer identifying translators, aimed at elevating and strengthening their translation practices and giving them time, money and resources to translate queer poets.

The poet being translated will be announced closer to the date of the workshop.

Paula Galindez says: “Being selected for the Queer Digital Residency is one of the most exciting things that has happened to me… It really doesn’t get any better than this.”

The Queer Digital Residency programme is supported by funding from Oxford Brooks University and the Fondation Jan Michalski.

Online Via Zoom