The PTC returns for a third workshop translating the work of Carla Diacov, a Brazilian poet and artist who writes plain spoken poems loaded with humour and wild juxtapositions.

Tuesday 24 September 2019

6:30 – 8:30 pm

Poetry Translation Centre

*Past Event*

£7 / £4 Students & Retirees / Free for Refugees & Unwaged

Carla Diacov is both an artist and a poet, with a multidisciplinary art practice centred around her domestic life and the materials she has to hand. She paints with her menstrual blood, makes videos in her bathroom and anthropomorphises her kitchen utensils in her poetry. She maintains a lively online presence releasing her work over Instagram, Soundcloud and Facebook to connect directly with her audience.

Diacov’s work highlights the inequalities and absurdities that are part of daily life. She has said she wants the reader of her poems “to know (or suspect) what made me spill water there, or to spill the water with me, or to spill the water in their own way… And for the water to surprise them, not to obey the laws of gravity, or even to be a cloud rather than water”.

Diacov sometimes enjoys translating her own poems via google translate, cutting and pasting the text through many languages to enjoy the surprising results and her work suggests an irreverent approach. This lends our workshops translating her with translator Annie McDermott a uniquely playful dynamic.

The workshops are open to all. There is no need to know the language being translated.

Buy a Season Pass for all 6 workshops in our Summer Season and save money.

The saving on a season pass is equivalent to one free workshop. And don’t forget, with each workshop, you attend you can earn points towards free PTC chapbooks and poetry collections with your PTC loyalty card.

Poetry Translation Centre The Albany
Douglas Way