We are delighted to invite the translator Delaina Haslam back for another workshop translating the work of Umar Timol, a Mauritian poet who writes in a Dutch inflected French creole.

Tuesday 23 July 2019

6:30 – 8:30 pm

*Past Event*

£7 / £4 Students & Retirees / Free for Refugees & Unwaged

Umar Timol is a Mauritian poet and writer. He has three poetry collections to his name and two novels. He has also published a collection of aphorisms and writes comic book scripts. He has received two Centre National du Livre grants, and taken part in festivals around the world, including the Medellin International Poetry Festival in Colombia and the Poetry International Festival Rotterdam. In 2018 he took part in the Iowa International Writing Programme.

Delaina Haslam is a translator, editor, and writer. She translates from French and Spanish, specialising in sociological and literary texts. She worked in journalism and publishing in Madrid and London before studying translation. She’s interested in collaborative translation and has been the invited translator for a PTC workshop, had a submission accepted for Newcastle University’s Poettrios Experiment, and performed collaborative translation at Sheffield’s Wordlife open mic night.

The workshops are open to all. There is no need to know the language being translated.

Buy a Season Pass for all 6 workshops in our Summer Season and save money.

The saving on a season pass is equivalent to one free workshop. And don’t forget, with each workshop, you attend you can earn points towards free PTC chapbooks and poetry collections with your PTC loyalty card.

Feedback from our most recent workshops:

“I really enjoyed it. I’ll be coming back for more this season.”

The Albany
Douglas Way

020 8692 4446 (extension 279)