International Translation Day is an annual event for the translation community, an opportunity for people to gather and network and debate significant issues and developments within the translation sector, discuss challenges and celebrate success.

Monday 2 October 2017

9:00 am

The British Library

*Past Event*

Full Price: £36.00 Member: £26.00 Under 18: £26.00. Other concessions available

International Translation Day is an annual event for the translation community, an opportunity for people to gather and network and debate significant issues and developments within the translation sector, discuss challenges and celebrate success. The vibrant day-long programme includes seminars on gender and sexuality in translation, translating human rights and much more.

The Poetry Translation Centre will be involved throughout out the day with:

The Opening Plenary – Our managing director Erica Jarnes will be chairing the opening discussion, which looks at the UK’s changing demographics, and what they might tell us about where the next generation of translators will come from.

Translating Poetry – Erica will also be chairing a parallel session on the specific challenges of translating poetry: who is best equipped to do it, are some languages ‘harder’ than others, and how can we get the word out about it in the UK? This panels features Alice Mullen from the Poetry Book Society, translator and academic Sophie Collins, and Literature Across Frontiers director Alexandra Buchler.

Somali Translation Workshop – Clare Pollard and Dr Martin Orwin will be running a ‘taster’ PTC translation workshop, translating a poem by Somali poet Asha Lul Mohamud Yusuf. No language experience required!

The British Library 96 Euston Road

+44 (0)1937 546546