Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi and Sarah Maguire took part in an evening of Arabic literature in translation arranged by The Institute of Linguists.

Friday 1 February 2013

7:30 pm

Over-Seas House

*Past Event*



Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi and Sarah Maguire took part in an evening of Arabic literature in translation arranged by The Institute of Linguists.

Peter Clark, a well-known translator of contemporary Arabic novels into English, introduced an evening of excerpts of contemporary Arabic writing in the original and in English translation; he also spoke about both the cultural context of Arabic-into-English translation and specific technical challenges.

Al-Saddiq al-Raddi read his poems in Arabic with Sarah Maguire reading her translations; Sarah then discussed translating Saddiq into English and the Poetry Translation Centre’s methodology of translators and poets working together.

The Palestinian novelist, Selma Dabbagh, lives in London and writes in English: she spoke about language choices in expressing Arab consciousness. Finally, Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi read a short story in Arabic by the UAE writer, Muhammad al-Murr, with Peter Clark reading his own translation.

Over-Seas House Park Place
St James’s Street