We were delighted that the leading Indian poet, Mohan Rana, joined us for a workshop on translating his poems from Hindi, led by his translator, Lucy Rosenstein, on 3rd June. We also translated another of his poems in our workshop on 17th June.

Wednesday 17 June 2009

7:30 pm

*Past Event*

The leading Indian poet, Mohan Rana, joined us for a workshop on translating his poems from Hindi, led by his translator, Lucy Rosenstein, on 3rd June.

It’s always fascinating to attend a workshop on translation with the poet present, and we were very pleased that Mohan agreed to join us for what was a very special evening. It was very useful to have Mohan there to answer those almost ineffable questions that so often arise when translating poetry. He endured our intrusions with enormous grace and good humour.

You can read the resulting two poems we translated with him: The Washerman and The Poet’s Fate.

On 17th June we held another workshop on Mohan’s poems (which he couldn’t attend) in which we translated his powerful poem, The Blue-Eyed Blackbird.

Kings Place