Discover the incredible collections that have been shortlisted for the prize, the poets and their translators. Expect to hear dual language readings and exploratory discussion which will introduce these wonderful writers, translators and their work.

This reading series is presented in partnership with the British Council. Each is hosted by an event partner: the Africa Centre, London, the British Centre for Literary Translation and Manchester City of Literature.


Sarah Maguire Prize readings: Migrations and Unexpected Vanilla

5 October, 12.30-14.00 BST

Lee Hyemi, Soje, and Mark Schafer with archive footage of Gloria Gervitz. Hosted by Professor Duncan Large in partnership with the British Centre for Literary Translation.

Sarah Maguire Prize readings: Cargo Hold of Stars: Coolitude and The River in the Belly

11 October, 19.00-20.00 BST

Fiston Mwanza Mujila, J. Bret Maney, and Nancy Naomi Carlson. In partnership with The Africa Centre, London.

Sarah Maguire Prize readings: Come, Take a Gentle Stab and Exhausted on the Cross

27 October, 19.00-20.00 BST

Najwan Darwish, Kareem James Abu-Zeid, Huda Kakhreddine and Jayson Iwen. Hosted by UK-based Bahraini writer and poet Ali Al-Jamri in partnership with Manchester City of Literature.

All events will take place on Zoom, and individual tickets can be booked through the event pages below. Why not save yourself time and book a ticket to all three readings here.

The Sarah Maguire Prize is a biennial prize recognising the best book of poetry by a living poet from Africa, Asia, Latin America or the Middle East published in English translation. The 2022 Prize was judged by Rosalind Harvey (Chair), Kit Fan and Kyoo Lee. The six-strong shortlist includes poets from the Republic of Congo, Korea, Mauritius, Mexico, Palestine and Syria. The winning book will be announced on Tuesday 1st November.