The Poetry Translation Centre is thrilled to announce our 2024 book titles!

We will publish two titles in our World Poet Series from Turkish and Zapotec, and our final book in collaboration with Bloodaxe Books from Spanish.

  • Real by Karin Karakaşlı (tr. Canan Marasligil and Sarah Howe) – out 1st May
  • The Thorn of Your Name by Víctor Terán (tr. Shook) – out 1st July
  • Translation of the Route by Laura Wittner (tr. Juana Adcock) – out 19th September

Our first title of 2024 is already out! Our very first prose anthology Living in Language: International reflections for the practising poet is available now.

Real by Karin Karakaşlı (tr. Canan Marasligil and Sarah Howe)

Poetry Book Society Translation Choice

Karin Karakașlı’s highly cinematic poems are powered by music, metaphor and a fascination for the mechanics of language itself. This new selection brings together poems from Karakașlı’s 15-year career, vividly translated into English by translator and writer Canan Marașligil working with British poet Sarah Howe.

‘Poems of rare imaginative courage; always evolving, always adapting, just one step ahead of the world around them.’ – Fran Lock

Pre-order now.

The Thorn of Your Name by Víctor Terán (tr. Shook)

Víctor Terán has been described as the most ‘personal’ poet of the Zapotec Isthmus of Oaxaca, Mexico. His poems, highly lyrical and imagistic, explore two deep passions: the electricity that passes between bodies in love, and Terán’s fierce devotion to the Indigenous land and language of his birth.

Pre-order now.

Translation of the Route by Laura Wittner (tr. Juana Adcock)

Translation of the Route is the eleventh collection by the award-winning Argentine poet and translator Laura Wittner. In poems that are precise, frank and finely tuned, Wittner explores the specificities of parental and familial love, life after marriage, and the re-ignition of the self in middle age.

Pre-order now.

Living in Language: International reflections for the practising poet (ed. Erica Hesketh)

The PTC’s first craft book, written by authors and translators from around the world, Living in Language brings together reflections on the craft and purpose of poetry, by 21 leading poets from around the world.

Out now.