[the chair]

havia somente uma cadeira para o casal na cadeira se sentava a esposa ovulada e se sentava a esposa menstruada o homem na cadeira se sentava ereto havia somente esta convenção entre o casal que a cadeira fosse o rito regulador da sujidade espécie de objeto de contaminação das coisas mulher nas coisas homem depois […]

Hilda Hilst

The Brazilian poet, Hilda Hist, was born in Jaú in 1930. She was writing for almost 50 years, during which time she was awarded collected many of the most prestigious Brazilian literary prizes. In 1962 she won the Prêmio PEN Clube of São Paulo, for Sete Cantos do Poeta para o Anjo (Massao Ohno Editor, […]

Armando Freitas Filho

Armando Freitas Filho was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1940. Throughout his career, he has experimented with different poetic practices that range from concrete poetry to poesia práxis to the marginal literary circles of the late 1970s mimeógrafo generation. His work reads through the urban imperatives of human landscapes in the city; a […]

Francisco Vilhena

Francisco Vilhena is an editor and translator. He writes short essays and translates from the Portuguese; his co-translation of Adelaide Ivánova’s the hammer and other poems was shortlisted for the 2020 Derek Walcott Prize for Poetry. He is a contributing editor to the White Review and serves on the advisory board of the Poetry Translation […]

Adelaide Ivánova

Adelaide Ivánova is a Brazilian poet and artist (b. Recife, 1982). She lives between Berlin and Cologne. Her first poetry collection, O Martelo (The Hammer) won the Rio de Janeiro Poetry Prize in 2018. Her work has been featured in English in Clinic and Alba Londres. The PTC published a chapbook of Adelaide Ivánova’s work, […]

Carla Diacov

Carla Diacov is a Brazilian poet and artist born in São Bernardo do Campo in 1975. She makes paintings from menstrual blood and has written the books Amanhã Alguém Morre no Samba (Tomorrow Someone Dies in the Samba), A metáfora mais Gentil do Mundo Gentil (The Gentlest Metaphor in the Gentle World), Ninguém Vai Poder […]

Érica Zíngano

Érica Zíngano was born in 1980 in Fortaleza-Ceará, Brazil. She received a Master’s in Portuguese Literature at the Universidade de São Paulo in 2011, and then she moved to Europe, to Portugal, where she began a Ph.D in Literary Studies – Portuguese Studies at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Since 2014, she was living and […]

Adelaide Ivánova Interview

‘I think that activists have a connection to poetry that felt healthy’ Brazilian poet Adelaide Ivánova talks about her poetry and political activism and her admiration for young poets.

Octavia Poets Respond to Adelaide Ivánova

To celebrate the launch of Adelaide Ivánova’s ‘the hammer and other poems’ we have commissioned three poets from the Octavia collective to write a poem responding to Adelaide’s work.