Pro: Sarton

Penulis, jika ingin disebut penulis, kata Ibu May, yang ingin merajut jejak harian harus gegar menghadapi segala sesuatu di luar sana, dan tidak sekadar terhadap apa yang dirona- kan benaknya, harus gegau terhadap kucing piaraan, kuncup ilalang, serta apa yang ia cerap dari bacaan sebelum Lelapnya. Cinangka, 1 Januari, 2018

Sitor Situmorang

Sitor Situmorang was born in North Sumatra in 1924. He was educated at Dutch schools in Sibolga Balige and Tarutung urban centers on the outskirts of the land of the Bataks. He was influenced by oral traditions; Christian hymns and sermons (part of the teachings of the Dutch colonists) and the sound of Malay the […]

Toeti Heraty

Toeti Heraty was born in 1933. An outstanding Indonesian poet with a powerful vision, she is also a philosopher, an art historian and a human rights activist who is well known for her opposition to the Suharto regime and for her feminism. She writes subtle poems, both intimate and personal, that also highlight repressive social […]

Khairani Barokka

Khairani Barokka is a writer, poet, artist, and PhD researcher at Goldsmiths in Visual Cultures. Published and working internationally, she is the writer/performer/producer of Eve and Mary Are Having Coffee, co-editor of HEAT: A Southeast Asian Urban Anthology (Buku Fixi, 2016), Stairs and Whispers: D/deaf and Disabled Poets Write Back (Nine Arches, 2017), writer-illustrator of […]

Debra Yatim

Debra Yatim was born in Aceh (Nov 06, 1954), and currently lives in Jakarta. She is an activist, journalist, columnist, filmmaker, and founder of at least three NGOs in Indonesia. Debra has published four poetry collections. She writes a column for a women’s magazine, and is currently working on a cycle of one-woman plays on […]

Soe Tjen Marching

Soe Tjen Marching is a writer, academic and a composer of avant-garde music from Indonesia. She has won several awards for In 1998, she won national competition for Indonesian Contemporary Composers held by the German Embassy. In 2010, her work has been selected as one of the two best compositions on the International Competition for […]

Norman Erikson Pasaribu

Norman Erikson Pasaribu is a writer of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. Dubbed by English PEN as ‘part of long tradition of queer Catholic writing’, his first book of poems Sergius Seeks Bacchus won a PEN Translates Award in 2018. Translated into English by Tiffany Tsao, the book will be published in the UK by Tilted […]

Shinta Miranda

Shinta Miranda was born on 18 May 1955. Her poetry collection Constance (was published in 2012, and her poems have been published in more than 20 anthologies. She has also written short stories that have been published in Malaysia and Indonesia. She was one of the editors of the cultural and political magazine Bhinneka. Her […]

Putu Oka Sukanta

Putu Oka Sukanta was born in Singaraja on 29 Juli 1939. He has published six collections of poetry including Selat Bali [The Balinese Straits], and Bulan Di Atas Belo [The Moon above Belo]. His also published six collections of short stories and several novels. Many of his books have been translated into English, German, French […]