Sudanese poet, Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi, was Poet in Residence at The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, University College London, from July to October 2012. He was commissioned to write new poems inspired by their collection of ancient Sudanese artefacts which we’ll be translating and publishing in spring 2013.

This inspirational residency has been a huge success, resulting in many people visiting the museum and gaining awareness of the rich complexity of ancient Sudanese culture for the very first time. The museum’s Sudanese collections tend to be obscured by those from ancient Egypt and so Saddiq’s residency has offered an important chance to redress that balance as well as an oportunity to invite members of the Sudanese community based in the UK to connect with their heritage.

We arranged a series of highly successful readings and events to accompany this exciting project, the details of which you can find here.