Following the success of our 2012 Persian Poets’ Tour, we’re delighted to announce that three of the poets, Azita Ghahreman (translated by Maura Dooley), Reza Mohammadi (translated by Nick Laird) and Shakila Azizzada (translated by Mimi Khalvati), will be returning for a series of five readings this summer in Manchester, Cardiff, London, Edinburgh and Ledbury. Tickets are already selling fast, so please make sure you reserve your place for these readings.

We’ve published dual-language chapbooks and recorded full-length podcasts featuring each of our three poets which you can access by following these links: Azita Ghahreman, Reza Mohammadi and Shakila Azizzada

Our Persian Poets’ 2012 Tour was an extraordinary success: we had capacity audiences (80 people at The Barber Institute of Fine Arts, Birmingham; 90 people at the Millennium Library Norwich, and a further 80 at Asia House in London) plus a fantastic article by Christina Patterson in The Independent,an insightful blog post by Gregory Leadbetter on the pleasure of hearing the poems read in their original language and an article by poet Reza Mohammadi, ‘Afghanistan has poetry in its soul’on The Guardian website.

If you were lucky enough to come along to our 2012 events, we’re sure you’ll be eager to join us again – and if you missed last year’s tour, please do come along this time to experience some remarkable poetry.