Six Languages

This season we will be looking at three poets from Asia, Africa and Latin America writing in European languages: French, Spanish and Portuguese, as well as covering languages spoken by large diaspora communities in the UK: Tamil, Yorùbá and Bengali.

At our workshops, we welcome native speakers, language learners and the linguistically curious. Maybe you are interested in specific languages or cultures but there is no need know the dialect we are translating from, the workshops are a great way to get close to a language you don’t speak and discover a new culture from the inside.

Six Poets

We will be returning to look again at poems by the radically creative poet and artist Carla Diacov from Brazil, the Marxist Nirmalendu Goon from Bangladesh and the exiled Sri Lankan near poet Sugan.

New this season will be a session on Algerian poet Habib Tengour, whose work unites traditional pre-Islamic and Modernist poetic forms, and a workshop with poet and translator Leo Boix translating queer poetry by the Argentinian philosopher and writer Silvina Giaganti.

Workshop Format

At each workshop we invite a guest-translator to provide a rough bridge translation of a poem and introduce the origin poet and their culture. Then everyone works together guided by a poet-facilitator to come to a translation that satisfies as an English language poem. Its a creative problem-solving process that never fails to fascinate.

Sign up for a Season Pass and come to all 6 workshops this season:

Click here to get your Season Pass

Save Money and Get Free Books!

A Season Pass comes in cheaper than individual tickets meaning you get one free workshop each time you opt for a pass. At each workshop you come to you can collect loyalty points towards free PTC chapbooks and collections.

We offer a concession to Students, People Under 22 and Retirees.

Refugees and the unwaged can get free tickets to each individual workshop.